new start

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Victoria had left with bakugo and kirishima. Bakugo and kirishima had promised her that they would take time every single day to train her so that she may save her brother along with her friends from her village. They had left the river and headed deep into the woods, a part where it seemed like no human being has touched or even dared to go near. Not even the animals have gone near it, could it be that it is dragon turf? It could be possible right? Bakugo led them into a large and dark cave, it didn't take long until they bumped into something...something BIG. A low growl could be heard, bakugo blew fire into his hand lighting up the cave. It was a dragon!! Instead of feeling fear, she felt...wonder. yes she may have already seen them but she simply couldn't deny that dragons were such beautiful creatures! There wings, there shiny rough scales, as the light shined against them. Making them look like beautiful gems under the warm sun, she smiled at the sight of the dragon. She let go of kirishima and walked towards the giant beast. Bakugo was about to blow fire at it until he saw Victoria approach it, he watched her closely in case the dragon tried eating her. The dragon looked down and sniffed her deciding what to do with such a strange girl. Victoria giggled as she pet it's nose and kissing it "you really such dangerous beasts, but you are also very lovely. A dangerous beauty! Look at those big and strong wings, how wonderful. And those beautiful shiny scales! Glistening like a freshly polished ruby! And those gorgeous deep blue eyes, like a crystal blue lake. Shiny from the light of the sun as if it had just come out from above the clouds on a rainy day. You are truly one of our world's most beautiful dangers!" The dragon was stunned by her words, bakugo was also stunned along with kirishima. They had never expected this from Victoria, her words were beautiful. The dragon blushed lightly and leaned against the cave wall opening a secret door. "Damn, you are one weird human, you basically flirted with him! Who would have thought you were stupid enough to approach a dragon" he laughed walking into the secret passage taking kirishima and victoria with him. As they kept walking they soon entered a massive room, soliders standing up right and each right next to each other. "Welcome to my throne room!! This is where I give orders everyday and make plans to invade, kill, DESTROY" Victoria rolled her eyes not exactly caring what kind of room it was. "oh for the... just tell us where the hell you have a doctor! we need to help kirishima, he needs to heal so he can help me train." Bakugo growled a bit and took them both to a room, making kirishima lay in bed as he called a doctor to examine him. Bakugo grabbed victoria by her shirt and pulling her out of kirishima's room. "look Kirishima will take a bit of time to heal, maybe a couple months. and you know just as well as I do that we simply don't have time to spare. Today I'll let you rest and get settled in, but tomorrow your training will start. It wont be easy so you be ready to get the beating of your life..." Victoria nodded her head in agreement, he then walked away and signled her to follow him. she did just that, she followed him and took her to her room. "I'll come by tomorrow early morning to wake you up.." he closed her door and left.

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