the end of there peace...

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Of course Victoria never met her real parents. Her adoptive parents simply didn't have the heart to tell her until they were certain that she was ready. As time went on strange things happened to Victoria, her skin would turn to scales just like a dragons skin. Rough and large wings appeared on her back, a long and strong tail would swing back and forth knocking stuff over. Horns long and pointy grew on her head, her nails grew as long as knives. Teeth as sharp as a newly sharpened sword, Victoria went through great pain with all these things began to grow on her. If she were like kirishima she would have been born with her wings, horns, claws, teeth, and tail. The only reason kirishima had been able to hide it for so long is because Victoria's adoptive mother was a mage, she knew all kinds of magic, including concealing. Meaning she was able to temporarily shut off enough of kirishimas magic so that his dragon features would disappear for a couple months. Her stepmother did this to kirishima every 4 months, it wasn't easy since it took out a lot of her energy, it made her so tired that she would pass out for at least 2 days. If she was lucky she would only he out for a couple hours, while she did this to kirishima she was trying to figure out how to completely get rid of Victoria's dragon features, but until kirishima thought she was ready. Kirishima was the same age as Victoria, the only way for her to not try and engage with this side of her; her stepmother erased and replaced Victoria's memories. Toby also knew about kirishima and victoria, he knew he had to keep his mouth shut because if he said anything he knew they would try to kill kirishima and victoria. He didn't like the idea of losing family, he loved her so much and cared for her deeply, along with kirishima. He couldn't bare the thought of losing them both.
When Victoria came of age, he and kirishima swore they would try there best to keep every guy away from her since she is engaged to the dragon king. After a couple days of the crazy wedding proposals Victoria was finally ready to announce who she wanted to marry. Everyone decorated and prepared for a party, all the people were excited to see who she had chosen. Everyone in the village wore there best outfit!! All the boys looked very handsome and victoria was gorgeous! Her mother had curled her hair a bit and added flowers to it. Making a few small braids, her hair reached the middle of her thighs. She wore a beautiful purple dress that faded into the white with a flower anklet around her left ankle. She looked just as beautiful as goddess! When she walked to the middle of the village, everyone's eyes were on her! Everyone smiled with joy, seeing her in her beautiful gown. Some adults even cried with joy to know that soon she will be one of there sons wife. The party soon started and all the boys took turns dancing with her, there was so much food and the decorations were beautiful! In the middle of the party some men began to hear sounds. Whatever it was, it was approaching them very quickly, the men grabbed there weapons making sure the women stood behind them. From the dark forest, appeared a group of what seemed to be knights. Of course no one was too worried since it was possible they were just looking for someone or they need a place to rest. Sadly they were very wrong... the leader yelled at his troops to attack! The men behind him ran towards the villagers and began killing everyone, the women tried to run but they had been surrounded. Kids were ripped away from there families and taken, lots of men were stabbed or beaten! Women were killed or tied up, some were even raped before being killed. Many women were just raped and taken, all children around were taken alive. Babies were all placed in a strawbasket and taken away, kids that were older were tied up and placed in the middle of the village. Kirishima and Toby fought off some knights killing them, Victoria and a few other girls managed to get inside a house to escape. Victoria had lost her parents and was worried sick about everyone...she and the girls broke down crying not knowing what to do. Not long after 2 dragons showed up and began to attack the knights, when the dragons were spotted the leader of the knights took the surviving villagers and left deep into the woods. The dragons were burning down everything, the knights that stayed behind broke into the house the girls were hiding and grabbed them. The tied them up trying to take them out and force them to start walking, if they didn't they began to threaten them by saying they would rape them and kill them or that they would turn them into there personal slaves. Victoria kicked and screamed as a knight was ripping apart her gown, he would pull her hair and lick her neck holding her hands down. She kicked and screamed for help but it was no use, the girls were already being taken away. The knight continued to tear away her clothes, he finally tore off her gown as he licked and bit her nipples. He was about to pull out cock when a sword stabbed through his chest, it was kirishima! He had managed to get to her in time, he wrapped her ripped gown around her trying to cover her up. Kirishima took her to the cellar of the house, she didn't want to go because she was still worried sick about her parents and her brother Toby! Kirishima didn't let her go outside since everything was chaos! He finally managed to get her down to the cellar and looking the door shut, it was very dark. She cried into kirishima's shoulder as she thought the worst things had happened to her parents and her brother....

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