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Early next morning Bakugo made his way to victoria's room to wake her up, when he got to her room he didn't even knock he just burst in yelling "wake up looser!! It's your first day of training!!!" Victoria quickly got up and out of bed, she grabbed her clothes and hid behind her closet to change. Bakugo walked out and walked to the training grounds towards the back of the castle. Bakugo needed Victoria to get stronger in every possible way is she really planned on going against her own kid, he knew better then anyone that humans were not to be trusted and in the blink of an eye they would turn against each other for power, money, or success. He was once foolish enough to trust in one who he had believed was his friend, but of course that one so called friend turned him in to the rulers of the land for status and money. Filled with rage and anger he turned to his dragon form tring to get away, and attacking those around him. Sadly the one who had betrayed him managed to escape... Victoria quicky arrived to the trainig grounds when she noticed that bakugo was spacing out and seemed a little upset as well. Feeling sad for him she slowly walked to him and began wrapping her arms around him to hug him tight. Surprised by this sudden action he pushed her off and pinned her to the ground pressing his sharp nails at her throat, scared she fell and didn't know how to react but feel fear. His red eyes glaring at her as her body trembled, he had finally realized what he was doing when he got off her and growled. "You Idiot!! why would you sneak up on me!? I could have killed you!!" Bakugo let go of her and got off her as well.

(sorry this chapter is so short.....I'll try and make the next couple chapters longer. Thank you for your support!)

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