first meeting

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Who knows how long kirishima and Victoria stayed in the cellar, but they didn't get out until all the noise had finally ended. After what felt like forever, all the noise from outside had finally ended! Victoria quickly got up and slammed the door open quickly crawling out of the cellar, she got up and ran outside. What she saw next...will forever be burned into her memory...when she ran out she saw many knights and villagers dead, they were either slaughter by the knights, burned alive by the dragon or had there heads bitten off by them. Women, children, men, they were all brutally killed. Victoria's eyes began to fill with tears as she began to run around like crazy looking for Toby and her parents. She had run through the village for almost 3 hours before she finally found her parents...kirishima tried to stop her from seeing them but he was too weak to really hold her down. Kirishima held his stomach since he had even stabbed by one of the knights, Victoria broke down completely as she screamed and cried at the top of her lungs seeing her dead parents. Kirishima kneeled down beside her and held her, he also began to cry at seeing there dead bodies. Victoria's mother as split in two, it seems the dragons fought about who ate her since her arm bitten off. Her head twisted horribly, as her organs were spilled all around her. Her leg broken and twisted, her father was stabbed and burned alive. They stabbed her father in the gut and cut open his throat, if that weren't enough he was in the way of one of the dragons, as they spit fire everywhere hitting him. Toby's body was no where to be found, this gave Victoria a little hope meaning her brother was most likely kept alive and taken away. It was still pretty bad but it was far better then seeing him dead, kirshima stroked her hair a bit and spoke. "We need to get out of here...we have no idea if any of those people are going to come back or not...we need to leave and find some place to hide! We will be left vulnerable If we stay here..." Victoria nodded her head and wiped away her tears running towards there now destroyed home. As she went through her now destroyed home she found medicine and some bandages for kirishima. She ran back towards him and patched up before they left, she grabbed some baskets that were saved and packed whatever she found that she knew they would need. "Let's go kirishima...we have to hurry if we want to save those who were taken Toby alive..? You were the last one to see him..." as he got up and smiled a bit at her and held her close. "He's alive I promise...I just didn't manage to save him before he was captured by those let's get going so we can make up a plan and save them all..." Victoria nodded her head and helped him up, letting him lean against her so that it would be much easier for him to walk. They headed towards the dark forest not at all prepared for what dangers the could come across, the forest had all kinds of monsters. It had dragons hunting for food, demons searching for the souls of the weak, and worse of all...humans searching to kill for there sick and twisted pleasure...if they were lucky they would only run into some wild animal. After a couple hours of walking they reached a crystal clear river, Victoria set kirishima down next to the river. She fixed her gown so that it looked like some loose skirt and a sort of belly shirt. She tied up her hair with some string wrapped around the basket she was carrying, she then grabbed a knife and dove into the water. Kirishima was so distracted by the pain that he hadn't noticed that they were most certainly not alone, and it wasn't just some random creature, but it was none other then the king of dragons himself! Victoria was swimming deep underwater trying to catch as much fish as she could, she was very distracted. Because of how distracted she was, she hadn't noticed that she was chasing the same fish as the king himself. She was very close to the fish until the king grabbed it with his teeth. She got angry and swam after him reaching it for the fish. "You let this go this instant! I saw this and I was so very close to catching it! Let go of my fish right now!! I saw it first!" She tried pulling it away from him but the king didn't let go at all, he growled and pushed her off him making her let go of the fish. "Who the hell are you!? Do you have any idea who I am??? I saw this fish first! And I caught it so its mine! Go catch your own fish you damn extra! Your such a loser!" Victoria fell back into the water and growled a bit as well as she resurfaced looking up at him "I have no idea who you are, but I most certainly do not care! I saw it first and you stole it from me! I need it to help my brother, I have to feed him! Now give it back! I have to help kirishima-!" The dragon king lifted his brow a but confused. He turned his head towards the edge of the river seeing kirishima. His eyes widened a bit and growled more digging his claws into the fish he was holding he stomped his way through the water splashing Victoria a bit as he made his way towards kirishima. When kirishima looked into the water wondering why Victoria wasn't coming back yet since she never takes this long, his eyes met with the dragon king. Kirishima began to panic as he quickly tried to stand up to Salut his king. "B-bakugo! W-what are you doing here?? I'm sorry for not noticing you much sooner my king!" Bakugo stood in front of kirishima growling and smacking him. "How dare you allow yourself to be injured! And who the hell is that loser?? Does she know that I'm the dragon king?? Is she brave or just straight stupid to be challenging the king of dragons!!!" He made kirishima sit back down  placing the fish next to him. Victoria walked towards them not wanting to believe what he was saying. "Hey I'm sorry bakugo, but we were attacked by 2 dragons and some human knights...they caught us off guard..." kirishima looked away as Victoria hugged him holding him close.

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