Training part2

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Victoria got up cleaning herself off and stepped away from Bakugo in case he did anything. Bakugo looked at Victoria who was still shaking from what had just happened, he was starting to feel bad but then remembered what happened in the past. He shook his head and glared at Victoria as he growled at her "you're such an Idiot!! now stop messing around and lets get started!!" Without warning Bakugo sprinted  towards her swinging at her and hitting her side making her fall. Victoria grunted as she held her stomach coughing and breathing heavily, she got up and ran at him also swinging at him. He blocked it but caused him to be slid back pretty far back, if anything that punch actually hurt him even through his dragon scales which was actully very hard to do since a dragons scales are so tough that even swords shatter upon contact. They continued to swing at each other giving it everything they had to try and take each other down, of course Victoria was far more hurt then Bakugo was. Then again Bakugo is a dragon meaning he has very tough skin, muscles, and such. The most Victoria really had was her stregnth, but that was about it, since her offense was pretty good they had to REALLY focus on her defense. Her defense was very bad and always left a ton of very fatal spots open, if she was ina real death abttle she would have died. When they finished, Victoria was taken to the shower room to help her with her bruises. Kirishimas was worried since Victoria IS human and she could die if Bakugo would continue being this harsh with her, he stayed in Victoria's room waiting for her to get back. Kirishima had called the doctor that the dragons had in there kingdom so that he could check up on her to make sure none of her wounds were too bad! Bakugo was passing Victoria's room and heading towards the dinning room, Kirishima got up and limped behind him trying to catch up. "Hey Bakugo! Uh...I saw all the markings Victoria has on her body from just ONE TRAINING SESSION!!!! Are you serious!? If you keep this up your going to kill her before we actually get to even save her brother!! Just what exactly are you trying to do!?" Bakugo stopped in the middle of the hallway and turned towards Kirishima softly growling at him and spoke, yelling a bit as he stomped towards him "You shut your mouth shitty hair! She asked for this!! She wanted to train, so I'm just doing as she asked!! I am not going to hold back on her just because she happens to be half human! As a half breed she still has at the very least 45% to 50% dragons blood running through her veins!! She really needs to learn how to defend herself! Those piece of shit humans will NOT be going easy on her! You saw her village!! They had absolutely no mercy on her people!! Besides her dragon half has been put to sleep, If I continue to help her I'm sure I can hit a nerve or something to wake that half up! We'll just have to see what happens..."

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