dragon king bakugo

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Victoria still didn't know who that man was but she also didn't care, he must be someone important and known if kirishima stood up even though he was injured. Victoria really thought he was making everything up since he kept calling himself the king of dragons. It was odd for her, think about it. If a person is who they say, in this case a king of dragons, he would have to keep his mouth shut since he doesn't know if the people he is telling is trustworthy. Only a fool would tell them that, and since he is a so called king it is quiet likely that he has an enemy that is trying to kill him! She looked up at the so called king of dragons a bit angry. "Seriously who are you?? Stay away from us! And if you really are the dragon king-" before she could even finish her sentence bakugo and grabbed her by her arms, opening his wings as he smirked. Her eyes widened as she tried to get him to let go, but it was too late! Bakugo had already started to flap his dragon wings taking them very high up in the air tossing her up. Of course completely frightened she began to scream in fear, but each time she came down close to him he caught her and threw her up high again. "Ok ok!!! I believe you!!! Your the dragon king!!!! I'm so sorry your highness!! Please put me down!! I really don't think I can keep this up much longer!!!" As she continued to panic bakugo laughed watching her squirm and beg him to save her. "That's what you get for challenging the dragon king! Let this a lesson to you, don't start a fight you can't finish! Stupid human!" He did catch her and held her bridal style and he slowly flew back down dropping her next to kirishima. "Victoria are you alright!? Bakugo be more gentle with her please!" Kirishima helped her sit up still trembling a little after what had just happened. "Tch! It's not my fault she's such a scaredy cat! She should have known better then to test me of all creatures! Never mess with a dragon!" Victoria nodded her head like crazy as she clung to kirishima, she looked like a cat that had just been splashed with cold water. Kirishima held her and softly patted her head laughing a bit at what had just happened. "Hey uh bakugo...if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing out here? You only leave the castle when it's an emergency, or your about to do something either stupid or horrible.."
Kirishima looked up at him a little confused to why bakugo was out in the forest alone. Bakugo growled at him and sat down in front of the two of them. "Well...I didn't want to come out here but uh...we have some rogue dragons destroying and eating humans just for simple pleasure...I'm out here looking for them. And it seems you two ran into them judging they caught you off guard since your injured. You must have been in your human form when they attacked, otherwise you would be perfectly fine and not with that injury. Not to mention you both smell of fresh human blood and smoke." Victoria's eyes widened when she heard him, her tears began to fill with tears as she remembered what she had just seen. Her heart broke as she let out a loud and painful cry, they memory of her dead parents made her feel horrible. She blamed herself for not saving her parents. She blames herself for there deaths, if only she had gone to look for them instead of running and hiding in the nearest house with the rest of the girls she could have helped them. If she would have used her strength to defend her friends and family maybe she could have saved them from being taken away. If she had fought with them and not hid she could have saved her brother at the very least. Bakugo's eyes widened when he saw her begin to cry and let out a scream of pain and sorrow, kirishima held her close trying to get her to stop crying. "I-it's all my fault....I shouldn't have hid! I should have stayed and helped everyone...! It's all my fault kiri...! I shouldn't have run away like a coward! I was the strongest and instead of helping I fled...! It's my fault everyone was either taken away or killed....!" She continued to cry her heart out as she held him tightly. Bakugo growled and grabbed her pulling her away from kirishima. "Shut the hell up!!! Crying and regretting all of this won't bring them back! Stop crying like a little baby! Stop blaming yourself for there deaths! You had no control over what happened! Now shut up, do you think your parents would blame you!? Do you really think your parents would want you to blame yourself over something you couldn't control!? No!! Now shut up! Clean up your act! And figure out your next move! You can either get revenge for your family and friends, or stay here, cry like the idiot you are and let something else kill you since your so weak and vulnerable right now!" Victoria stopped crying as she was on the ground looking up at him, snot running down her nose and tears still streaming down her cheeks. Kirishima kneeled down next to her and wiped away her tears not exactly wanting to clean her snot since it was still pretty gross. "He has a point vic...you can't blame yourself for what happened to your brother and your parents, what happened was just horrible luck.....those knights and those dragons had bad timing...you only did what you were told. You and the girls were told to run and hide so that we could try and protect you all...it isn't at all your fault..look you can take revenge if you want but your parents wouldn't want that for you. They would want you to live your life....to move on and live on your own! Find a lifetime partner and start a family! Have kids, watch them grow, and I could be there super cool uncle! Isn't that what you want...?" He looked down at her and smiled a small and sweet smile. She smiled a little as well and wiped away her snot hugging him tightly as she got up and stood in front of bakugo. He looked at her a little confused to why she was standing right in front of him, was she going to yell at him? Was she going to try and attack him? No way, she wouldn't do that after he showed her what he can do. "Thank you bakugo...♡" she said in a sweet voice  as she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly knowing he would fight back, kirishima got up and also hugged him. "Alright alright get off!!! Get the fuck off of me!!! Don't hug the dragon king! No one hugs the dragon king! Now what's your choice dumbass?" He pushed them both off of him and crossed his arms as Victoria smiled looking up at him. "I won't take revenge...I'll live my life! But I have to go and find my brother! I...I want to try and save my friends! My brother! Train me! Help me get strong! So I may save them!" Bakugo smirked at her as he spread his wings "good choice dumbass..."

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