Chapter 40

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Luke's P.O.V.

I pushed Katie away.

" I hope your happy now'' I walked back to my car and drove back home, i need to give her space. As i was driving back home all i could think about was how Kendall was with Zayn. Why was he there with her ?

What were they going to do ?

I came to a red light, i ran a hand through my hand. Why did she have to come back my life ? I was happy with Kendall and then she had to come and ruin it.


I was currently in my room, i didn't eat dinner. I wasn't in the mood. I was debating on calling Kendall or not. So i decided to man up, i grabbed my car keys and ran out of the house and drove my car to Cal and Kendall's house. I need to clear things up.


I opened the door, and saw Cal and Ash in the living room they looked up at me with a frown.

'' Where's Kendall ?'' I asked, Ash looked down at his hands.

'' I don't think she wants to see you mate, after what you did'' Cal said harsh.

'' I need to explain to her what i did'' I say as i stand near them.

'' What if you lie to her again ?'' Ash finally speaks, i roll my eyes.

'' Am going upstairs to her room'' I say quickly and run upstairs to her room. once i was standing by her door i slowly put my hand on the door knob and opened it slowly. Once it was opened my heart sunk.

I saw her and Zayn, her head was on top of his chest while his arms were wrapped around her. They were sleeping, her light snores coming out of her mouth. She suddenly moved, she took her head off of his chest and put it on her pillow causing her back to face him. He pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her waist, He put one hand on her bare stomach. Then put his face in the crook of her neck. Her hand went on top of his. I slowly walked out of the room. Once i closed the door, i couldn't help but feel heartbroken. It didn't take that long for her to find someone else.

I walked back down stairs, Cal and Ash were no were in sight. I left the house and walked back to my car.

I lost her.

Kendall's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sun shining down on my face, i felt two strong arms around me. I turned to see if it was Luke, but it was Zayn. I forced a smile. Suddenly all the events from yesterday hit me. Luke cheated on my with Katie.

Of course he would, she is prettier than me. Her hair, eyes, her face and her body. While i was ugly and fat.

Tears started to come out of my eyes. I sat up, which caused Zayn's eyes to open. He looked at me and quickly sat up with me and pulled me into a hug. I cried into his chest. Of course Katie, I knew Luke would go back to her.

I slowly started to calm down, i held on to his shirt. I realized i was sitting on his lap.

'' He cheated on me because i wasn't beautiful, Katie is perfect am not'' I whispered.

'' Don't say that you are beautiful'' He says. I shake my head no.

'' Kendall, you are beautiful don't say you aren't'' I looked up at him.

'' Do you really think am beautiful ?'' I asked, he shook his head no. Which caused me to frown. I wasn't even beautiful to him.

'' No am lying you are gorgeous'' He said with a smile. I slapped his arm playfully.

'' What it's the truth'' He said laughing, i rolled my eyes.

'' yeah yeah, am going to go get ready i want to hang out with the others as well'' I said, he nodded. I got off his lap and went in search of any outfit.

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