"A-zhan" Wooseok grumbles

'eh" Zhan turns around from his bed "yes"

"Headache and shivers," Wooseok says "I feel like shit"

"never said it better" Xiao Zhan chuckles

"What about Mr. Villar," He asks

"He's having a calm sleep that I have never been jealous of" Xiao Zhan replies "I want to sleep like him"

" I want to go back home and sleep like this is the most eventful year for me" Wooseok grumbles

"I too just want to have a peaceful year without anything tragic happening to me" Mr. Villar joins the duo rising from their beds to see their patient awake. "What did I miss"

"Nothing much" Wooseok sits on his bed "we got an ongoing virus and you had a cardiac arrest you see nothing much"

"I am sorry for getting you guys the virus" Villar heaves "I just wanted a peaceful rest"

"us too but it looks like the world doesn't give us what we want,"  Zhan tells him as he checks him over.

"I guess I am holding onto nothing I should have joined my late wife while I had the chance" Villar chuckles "But knowing my wife I would know she smacked me back into being alive again I can't leave without seeing our grandchild at least not yet" He sighs "You know if you still have the chance to love you should love, love until your last breath because that's the most beautiful thing you'll ever do in your life is to love"

A few days later

"I don't get this why aren't they doing anything" Xingchen huffs "they are supposed to get better why isn't the vaccine working it's like they are getting worse"

"mn" Yibo nodded

"Dr. Wen do something" Xingchen turns to Wen Qing

"I'll send a message to HQ" Wen qing gets to her laptop

  Xiao Zhan woke up a little bit later, his head wasn't aching anymore but his throat was really dry and scratchy it felt like sandpaper was passing by every time he tried to clear his throat.

"You're awake" Wen Qing was sitting on the floor facing him

"Seems like it" Xiao Zhan stands up he feels dizzy and cold all of a sudden.
He sits back on the bed to collect himself.

"The vaccines are being sent down" Wen Qing sighs

"Well that sounds like great news" Xiao Zhan tries to sound positive but he knows there's a reason behind Wen Qing's sigh

"HQ managed to only snag two vaccines for now" Wen Qing tries to fight back a yawn but her facial muscles are too tired so she ends up yawning.

"You know what my decision is" Xiao Zhan's voice is stern not wanting any arguments on that.
"I know, I am just looking for a way to break the news to the others" Wen Qing sighs which seems to be the millionth one since she's been here. "It's really hard with you being in quarantine, you're supposed to be out here leading us"

"You're also a leader" Xiao Zhan smiles tiredly

"It's different, now everything I do is like I don't know like when you were out here I was very sure of everything I did because you were out here now I don't even know what to do next" Wen Qing fights back her tears "What if the vaccine takes time to be delivered and you don't make it, what if you don't make it before the vaccine arrives what are we going to do. You don't know how much of a pillar you are if you go down everything goes down" Wen Qing angrily wipes her tears

   Xiao Zhan doesn't know how to comfort her, much of the things she said came out as a shock to him, a pillar since when was he seen as a pillar?  "You need to take a deep breath a-qing" he waits for her to do so and to calm down.
"whatever that's going to happen you guys are going to be okay, you are all brilliant adapters everything is going to be okay whether the outcome that's going to be" He looks down at the pager "You should get going I think they need you"

  Wen Qing stands up facing the wall but Xiao Zhan sees her wipe the tears away and hears her take a couple of deep breaths before she leaves without saying anything.

    The next time Wooseok comes to be he finds himself in a regular ward with an iv drip attached to his arm. It takes a couple of tries for his eyes to be used to everything since the quarantine room was darker and he hasn't worn his glasses in almost a week and a half. All he hears are people talking around him he can register Wen Qing's voice, Xingchen's, and Jiang Cheng's.

"Zhan where's Zhan" That's the first thing he says

"You're awake" The three crowd over him.

"Xiao Zhan where is he," He asks again but the three seem to be ignoring him as they start checking over his vitals and everything.

"Where's Zhan A-cheng," Wooseok asks again

  Nobody acknowledges him they just keep hovering over his body checking and checking which leads to annoying him.

"Stop this stop everything" Wooseok shouts making the three stop "Just stop checking me I am fine where's Zhan and why am I out of the quarantine room what's going on can someone answer my questions"

The three look at each other as if they were communicating with each other.

"Fuck it I am gonna tell him" Jiang Cheng mutters before turning to Wooseok "Xiao Zhan fell into a medicated coma"

"Why," Wooseok asked "I thought the vaccines had been delivered"

"His body was reacting very aggressively with the vaccine we had to put him into a coma for the vaccine to work efficiently it was either that or we could've gotten him out of that quarantine room in a body bag," Xingchen says the matter of facts.

"And Mr. Villar" Wooseok asks

"As soon as his body started to react positively to the vaccine his doctors and people came and flew him out of here" Wen Qing sighs "We were waiting for you to wake up, your waking up would have a nice indication that the vaccine was working"

   Wooseok doesn't hear anything they are saying all he hears are muffles and ringing in his ears everything around him was spinning and then it turned dark soon.

   Wang Yibo stands outside the door leading to Xiao Zhan's room. How ironic was it to be the same fucking door as when Xiao Zhan was in when the earthquake happened, the difference being it was worse than last time. Wang Yibo sits on the same chair he sat last time he was here, he feared going inside he didn't want to see the many wires attached to Xiao Zhan, the same wires that seemed to be assisting Xiao Zhan to be alive while his body was battling the virus. Wang Yibo really didn't understand why Wooseok's and Villar's bodies reacted fast and positively to the vaccine while the vaccine made Xiao Zhan fight for his life more than before when he had the virus. He still doesn't understand anything when Jiang Cheng explained to him that they had already pulled Xiao Zhan out of the medicated coma and now his body was actually in a coma he really didn't get anything that was going around him the past few days all he knew was that his body was functioning in autopilot.

"they say that a comatose patient can react to the voice of the one they love the most, you should try talking to him maybe he'll give a reaction you're the one that ge loves the most" Wen Ning sits beside him. He was the one who was taking care of Xiao Zhan.

   Wang Yibo doesn't say anything but his brain goes on overdrive replaying Wen Ning's sentence over and over again. 'you're the one he loves the most'.

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