Disaster Strikes

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"It's gonna be alright Alexis." Meena says as she is with Alexis and Johnny.

"I know but he's still in my house. I'm just not looking forward to having to get legals involved in this." Alexis says sadly.

"I know but it'll get better somehow." Johnny says.

"I hope so." Alexis says as the group sees Porsha rehearsing.

"Captain's log. I must take care for I have landed on the Planet of War." Porsha says as the group is watching her rehears.

"Oof. She's not exactly experienced is she?" Johnny asks as Buster goes over to Porsha.

"Better than her being a cheater like my ex. Besides her voice is amazing." Alexis says

"If I don't know better I'd think you like her." Johnny says as he smiles at Alexis.

"I'm just complimenting is all." Alexis says nervously.

"Sure you are." Johnny says as he chuckles.

"You're firing me!? Ooh! Wait till my dad hears that you fired me!" Porsha shouts angrily as everyone looks at her and Buster as she angrily leaves with Buster chasing after her.

"Oh that can not end well." Alexis says nervously.


As the group arrives at the hotel after hearing about Mr. Crystal from Buster before they soon see Calloway open the door.

"Clay Calloway." The group says in union.

"I remember you." Calloway says as he points to Miss Crawley before she faints.

"Miss Crawley!" Alexis says.


"The coat is clear. Let's go." Johnny says.

"If we're gonna go we better go now." Alexis says.

"Come on." Meena says.

"We'll all feel better when we're safe at home." Buster says as he helps Miss Crawley to her feet.

"You sure about that? Cause I can tell you running and hiding away is not all it's cracked up to be." Calloway says.

"We don't have a choice." Buster says.

"Yeah? Well all these years I thought the same thing. Turns out there's always a choice. Just never had the guts to make the right one." Calloway says as everyone sees Mr. Crystal on TV bad mouthing them.

"Guys we can not let that bully steal our hopes and dreams." Buster says.

"No, no, no. We are way past singing and dancing." Rosita says.

"Look I know this might sound crazy but if we can get the theater back." Buster says.

"Moon that is nuts. How are we gonna do that without Mr. Crystal getting a hold of us the minute we set foot in the place?" Alexis asks.

"We're gonna put the show on behind his back. Nice idea Alexis." Buster says as Alexis looks at him in surprise.

"Wait I didn't say-... Did he even hear a word of what I said?" Alexis asks annoyedly.

"Apparently not but I like the way that koala thinks." Nooshy says before the group hears Mr. Crystal's guards outside the door.

"What are we gonna do?" Meena asks.

"Guys we've just gotta be brave now. We're gonna put that show on whether Crystal likes it or not but first... We're gonna jump out that window." Buster says.

"You want us to do what now?" Alexis asks nervously before everyone reluctantly makes their way out the window and onto the ground as they make a run for it.


As the group makes it to the backstage they soon see a bunch of little creatures cleaning up the place.

"No one is supposed to be in here." A creature says.

"Uh who are you?" Buster asks as he goes up to the creatures.

"We're the night cleaners." The creature says.

"Oh I see. Well we don't need any cleaning right now but can any of you tap dance? Well let's move it folks." Buster says as one of the creatures raise their hand.

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