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"Okay Alexis from the top." Alexis's instructor says.

"Yes ma'am." Alexis says before her phone rings and she picks it up seeing it is her boyfriend Red.

"Someone important?" Alexis's instructor asks.

"Uh yes actually. My boyfriend. I should probably take this." Alexis says.

"Fine. Take a break then." Alexis's instructor says before Alexis nods and walks out of the room.

"Hey sweet-" Alexis then gets cut off by Red.

"Don't you sweetie me." Red says angrily.

"What? What's wrong?" Alexis ask taken back.

"You know what's wrong! I told you to be back by now." Red says angrily.

"I can't. I have to stay here. I promise I'll be home soon." Alexis says.

"Baby who are you talking to?" A voice asks as Alexis realizes it is another woman.

"Who is that?" Alexis asks.

"No one." Red says.

"You're cheating on me!?" Alexisa asks angrily.

"So what if I am? You aren't home right now anyway." Red says as Alexis scoffs.

"That's not the point! I cared about you!" Alexis says angrily.

"I need a real woman who can be home all the time. Not some show dog who's talent is never gonna take her anywhere enough to actually make some money." Red says coldly.

"I do these shows becuase I love them!" Alexis says.

"Save it sweetheart. You and your friends are just one hit wonders. If you like them so much live with them. Don't bother coming home." Red says.

"But that's my home! Hey!" Alexis shouts seeing her boyfriend has already hung up before tearing up.


"Is somebody crying in here?" A voice asks as Alexis is crying in a room.

"Oh... Sorry. Hello Porsha." Alexis says sadly as she sees Porsha.

"What's up girl? You look terrible." Porsha says.

"Let's just say the boy I was with was only using me for money and a house. He cheated on me with another girl after my group and I left to come here." Alexis says as she sniffles.

"Who is this boy?" Porsha asks as she sits beside Alexis.

"His name is Red. I don't know who the woman was. I don't wanna know." Alexis says sadly.

"Well he's a horrible guy for cheating on a beautiful girl like you. You seem like a really cool girl. Beautiful at that. Any guy who dumps a girl like you is an idiot. Guys are idiots anyway sometimes." Porsha says.

"Thanks Porsha." Alexis says as she smiles slightly.

"Come on. I know something that will cheer you up." Porsha says as she stands up.

"I don't know." Alexis says unsurely.

"Just come on. You can tell me what happened after you calm down some. Then I can help you show that boy what he lost out on. How does that sound?" Porsha asks as she smiles.

"Well I guess it's better than crying my eyes out." Alexis says.

"That a girl. Come on." Porsha says as Alexis leaves with her.


"Hmm. I can't decide Alexis. What looks better with this new white top? These blue sandels or this white ones?" Porsha asks as she is sitting with Alexis in a food court.

"Hmm. I think the black ones you got." Alexis says kindly.

"You're right. Much better." Porsha says happily.

"Thanks Porsha for taking me shopping with you. It was fun." Alexis says kindly.

"I told you I would cheer you up. Would it be alright if I asked about those feathers? They're really pretty. Especially the white one." Porsha asks as she looks at Alexis's feathers.

"Oh. Thank you. The one belonged to my aunt. The blue one was my moms." Alexis says as she puts her hand on one of the feathers.

"Was?" Porsha asks in surprise.

"I lost my family when I was little." Alexis says sadly.

"I'm sorry." Porsha says as she gives a sad look.

"Don't be. I try not to think about it much." Alexis says.

"I know how you feel. I lost my mom too. My dad on the other hand didn't seem to care much. He doesn't seem to care much for anything." Porsha says as she looks down.

"I'm sorry about that." Alexis says.

"Hey close your eyes for a sec." Porsha says.

"Okay?" Alexis asks as she does as told.

"Okay open." Porsha says as Alexis opens her eyes to see a beautiful silver necklace.

"Wow. It's beautiful." Alexis says as Porsha hands her the necklace.

"It's yours. I saw you eyeing it earlier." Porsha says.

"Porsha I can't. It was expensive." Alexis says unsurely.

"I want you to have it. I thought a beautiful girl deserves something just as beautiful as her." Porsha says kindly.

"Thank you. I love it. My ex never got me anything like this. Nobody has." Alexis says as she puts the necklace on.

"Well I'm glad you like it. It's looks beautiful on you." Porsha says while smiling.

"Thank you. Come on. We should head back. We gotta get back to rehearsal." Alexis says.

My Heart Is Yours Sing 2 Porsha X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now