Bigger Dreams

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"Great job everybody." Buster says as he comes over as as everyone goes behind the stage after performing the first part of their performance.

"Thanks Mr. Moon." Alexis says.

"I think we pretty much nailed it." Gunther says happily.

"So is she here?" Rosita asks as buster has the group follow him to the curtains.

"There. See the dog? There in front." Buster says as the group sees a dog with a clipboard.

"Oh! She's younger than I imagined." Rosita says as Alexis nods in agreement.

"Well supposedly she's the best scout in show business." Buster says.

"That's good then." Alexis says.

"I can't tell if she's enjoying it." Meena says.

"Come on. Let's get a better view. And how are we doing up here Miss Crawley?" Buster asks as the group gets on a hanging walk path where Miss Crawley is.

"Oh very good Mr. Moon. So far I counted nine smiles, two belly laughs, and five chuckles. The last could of just been gas." Miss Crawley says as she is watching the scout with binoculars.

"Well that's the proof right? She must like the show?" Buster asks.

"Oh my gosh! You think so?" Meena asks.

"Let's hope so." Alexis says.

"All right now keep up the good work.
Come on everybody. Back to positions." Buster says as everyone leaves and goes back to their positions.


"Okay I got the tickets. Anyone seen Miss Crawley? Here Johnny. Here's yours." Buster says as he hands out tickets to everyone outside a bus after having gathered everyone together.

"Mr. Moon I'm sorry but I'm really having second thoughts about this." Johnny says nervously.

"Yeah. So am I honestly. We've never played outside our home city before. Besides my boyfriend isn't very happy I'm doing this." Alexis says unsurely.

"What? No, no. Wait-" Buster then gets cut off by the bus driver.

"Alright last call. Let's go!" The bus driver says.

"Just a second." Buster says.

"Johnny and Alexis are right. I mean that scout she didn't think we were good enough." Meena says.

"She sounds like a jerk." Ash says.

"Yeah. Total jerk." Gunther says.

"But she's wrong. Dead wrong! There's a reason our show has sold out every night and I'm telling you her boss is gonna love it." Buster says.

"Ooh! Or maybe we could just like do a different show. You know?" Gunther asks.

"Gunther please. I've got this." Buster says.

"Seriously. I have this idea for like a space musical." Gunther says as the group hears a horn.

"Alright we're rolling out here." The bus driver says as he closes the door and begins to leave in the bus.

"You don't want to hear about a space musical?" Gunther asks.

"Guys. Come on! Wait!" Buster shouts before the group sees the bus stop as Rosita appears.

"Listen you guys. I have dreamt of performing in Redshore City since I was a little kid. And besides I just convinced my husband to babysit for the next 24 hours and I am not gonna waste an opportunity like that. So come on. We've got nothing to lose." Rosita says as everyone gets on the bus.

"Here Ash. You come in on page two." Buster says as he hands out scripts.

"Wait. We're just gonna rehears on the bus?" Ash asks.

"Yes we are." Buster says happily.

"Course we are." Johnny says.

"When aren't we rehearsing somewhere that isn't ideal?" Alexis asks.

"We gotta get this show in the best shape ever. Ah Miss Crawley you made it. You are angel. you're gonna need-whoa! What the!?" Buster asks as everyone sees Miss Crawley dressed up.

"Well you did say dress to impress." Miss Crawley says as everyone gets settled on the bus.

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