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"Just a little while longer and we'll have pulled this off." Johnny says as Rosita is on stage with Gunther.

"Oh no. Rosita's fears are getting the best of her again. Not good." Alexis says seeing Rosita isn't jumping.

"That's not good." Porsha says.

"Look out!" Meena shouts as the group sees Mr. Crystal run over and grab Buster.

"No!" Porsha shouts as Mr. Crystal goes onto a high board walk with Buster before dropping as Rosita then jumps and catches him at the last minute before dropping him to safety.

"Moon you okay?" Alexis asks as Buster comes over to the group at Rosita and Gunther finish performing.

"Yeah. Let's just hope this last part here goes according to plan." Buster says.

"Mission report. We have survived the worm hole. The missing space explorer must be here somewhere." Rosita says as ash comes out on stage alone beginning to perform before Calloway comes out onto stage singing beside her.

"We did it." Alexis says happily.

"We all did." Porsha says happily.

"Mission accomplished. We're heading home." Rosita says before everyone comes to the stage and takes a bow.

"Thank you folks. You're too kind." Mr. Crystal says as he comes onto the stage before the group quickly leaves without him noticing.


"So what now that we're heading away from my dad?" Porsha asks as she sits on the bus with Alexis.

"We'll head back home. Or at least we will. What about you? Won't this leave you without a home because of your dad being arrested?" Alexis asks.

"Yeah. But I'm not too worried about it. It means I can move in with my beautiful new girlfriend without fear of my dad. If she'll have me." Porsha says as Alexis smiles.

"I'd love to have you." Alexis says happily as she lays her head on Porsha's shoulder.

"Don't worry. We can kick that idiot of an ex of yours out together." Porsha says as she lays her head on Alexis's.

"That sounds perfect." Alexis says as she and Porsha hold hands.

"Stop the bus!" A voice shouts revealing to be Suki on a scooter.

"What in the world?" Alexis asks as the bus stops before Suki runs onto the bus.

"I just got a call from the Majestic. They think your show is fantastic and they wanna put it on at their theater." Suki says.

"Well? What do you say Mr. Calloway? You in?" Buster asks as he looks at Calloway before he nods causing everyone to cheer happily.

My Heart Is Yours Sing 2 Porsha X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now