Redshore City

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"Guys we're here." Meena says as the group wakes up on the bus seeing they're in Redshore City before getting off the bus.

"Alright. Let's go put on some Moon Theater magic." Buster says as everyone follows him.


"No!" A gazelle says sitting behind a desk.

"No? What do you mean no?" Buster asks.

"For the last time sir. No appointment no entry. Sir do I need to call security?" The gazelle asks.

"We should go." Rosita says as she looks at Buster.

"Yes. You should. Next please." The gazelle says as the group groans and walks away.

"This is so unfair. She's like totally unfair that lady." Gunther says.

"Why she gotta be so snotty about it?" Ash asks.

"Yeah. That could of gone a bit better. But least we tried." Alexis says.

"Everyone in here. Quick get in! Ah-ha! Look at this! Meena do you think that's kind of your size?" Buster asks as he pulls everyone into a storage closet and shows Meena a janitor outfit as she gives an unsure look.


"Hey Ricky." The gazelle says as she sees Meena disguised as a janitor on a mobile floor cleaner as everyone is hiding on the other side.

"Um hi." Meena says in a deep voice before everyone barely makes it to the elevators.

"Good job everyone. Now everyone into the elevator quick." Buster says as everyone begins to get inside an elevator.

"Mr. Moon do you realize we can all get arrested for this?" Alexis asks annoyedly as everyone tightly squeezes into the elevator and goes up in it.

"Everybody mop." Buster says as everyone stops at a floor and sees people before trying to act natural as they go through the room.

"What are you doing now?" Rosita asks as Buster begins trying to open doors.

"We gotta find somewhere to change out of this stuff. Look that's him. That is the Mr. Crystal." Buster says as everyone goes into a room and changes back into their normal clothes before going to a curtain and seeing people performing as a wolf in a suit keeps hitting a button rejecting the acts.

"Okay everybody if you can leave immediately. Single file." A cat says.

"Wow. Kind of harsh isn't he?" Alexis asks.

"Hey you! Yeah you! Little guy. You're here for the audition?" A cat asks as he sees Buster.

"Yes. Yes we are. Guys we're on. Right now." Buster says as he looks at everyone.

"Now?" Rosita asks before everyone goes onto the stage.

"Your name please?" The cat asks.

"Ah it's Buster Moon. From the New Moon Theater and we're very excited to share our story with you today sir. Right guys?" Buster asks as he looks at the others.

"Great. Get to it." Mr. Crystal says.

"Course. Yes. Okay it's just like we rehearsed. This is the story of an ordinary high school girl who discovers-" Buster then gets cut off by Mr. Crystal as he hits a rejection button as Miss Crawley starts music.

"Stop." Mr. Crystal says.

"He wants you to stop." The cat says as Miss Crawley stops the music.

"Ordinary and school. Two words I will never be associated with." Mr. Crystal says.

"If you guys could all leave. We would appreciate that." The cat says.

"I need big shows Jerry! Big ideas!" Mr. Crystal says angrily.

"Yes sir big. The biggest." Jerry says.

"Hey I have a big one." Gunther says as he smiles.

"Okay honey. Come on." Rosita says as she pulls Gunther along.

"You know? The sci-fi musical. That's big right? I mean it's got the aliens and the robots and the lasers and these amazing songs from like Clay Calloway to-" Gunther then gets cut off by Mr. Crystal.

"Whoa, whoa. Clay Calloway? I love Clay Calloway." Mr. Crystal says.

"I know right. Doesn't everybody?" Buster asks nervously.

"Yeah. See Jerry? This is exactly the kind of big idea I'm talking about. So uh what's the show called?" Mr. Crystal asks as he smiles.

"What's it called? Um Gunther you wanna tell Mr. Crystal what it's called?" Buster asks.

"Yeah. It's called Out of This World." Gunther says.

"Out of This World." Mr. Crystal says as he smiles.

"That's right. Just imagine it. Uh Ash?" Buster asks as he looks at Ash.

"Yeah. I got it." Ash says as she starts playing her guitar.

"A spectacular musical that takes your audience out of this world." Buster says as the group starts singing.

"I love this song." Mr. Crystal says.

"Sir. Your lunch meeting with- Oh my." A voice says revealing to be Suki the scout as she walks in the room and sees the group.

"Not now!" Mr. Crystal says.

"Moon how did you get in here?" Suki asks angrily.

"He said not now." Jerry says.

"Yeah I heard him. Thanks Jerry." Suki says.

"Are you telling me that you got Clay Calloway's permission to use his song?" Mr. Crystal asks as he goes over to a coffee stand.

"Well what if I told you I did?" Buster asks.

"Okay so what? You got some kind of personal connection to this guy?" Mr. Crystal asks.

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