Chapter 11 - Trouble

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"I'm sorry," he said. It seemed like that's all he could say to you these days. "For the record, I do love you. I just couldn't say it last night or else I wouldn't have been able to restrain myself anymore."

You felt your stomach drop at his words. You wanted to dig deeper, but you couldn't bear to look at him for fear of driving both of you off the road.

"So you thought to tell me that after you've broken my heart." It felt like the words you were saying flowed effortlessly. Whatever walls you were straining to hold were now crumbling. "Why do you always restrain yourself?" you were scared of the answer.

Eren thought for a long time about his answer. "I didn't want to trouble you and confuse you more. That's all." In the corner of your eye, you saw Eren look out the window. "Armin's waiting for you to come back."

The sound of Armin's name, made your chest tighten causing you to catch your breath. You still had feelings for him, but the confusion of your situation with him made you confused and embarrassed and feeling betrayed.

"I just know that I can't make you happy in the ways that you want," he continued. "It's better for you if you just stay with Armin. He has the same goals as you, the same ideas as you, the same worldview. I don't know if I can do that for you."

"I never needed you to be any of those things. I just needed you."

He nodded, it felt like he already knew you were going to say that, despite his limp explanation.

You kept going, "I don't think you get to make these decisions for me, Eren."

"You're right, the decision is always yours," he mumbled quietly, turning to face the window and closing you off from him.

His words stung you, causing your words to leave your lips. You had nothing else to say as you dangled in the air in front of him. The rest of the ride was dead silent with only the faint sounds of the radio and the hum of your engine.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

It had only been a few hours after you arrived at home until you heard the doorbell chime. On the other side was a red-nosed blonde with apologetic blue eyes. His head was downturned, but his eyes looked up at you in a way that seemed like he really wanted to avoid your eye contact.

He watched you carefully, being mindful to allow you the space to let him in. Even though his car was parked on the side of the road, he was breathless like he ran to see you.

"Armin...what are you doing here?" you asked disappointedly. It was nearly two weeks since you last saw him and just the sight made your heart crumble at the already cracking sides. Seeing him made your blood boil to the point where you didn't even notice the cold air wrapping around you.

"It's cold out here, can we talk inside?" he asked, not moving from his spot.

You nodded wordlessly and turned on your heel, expecting him to follow you into the living room. You heard the sound of the door closing behind you and him sitting across from you on the couch. He didn't take his eyes off you as you stared at him, your brows furrowed and your lips pursed.

"I'm sorry," he said, his voice hoarse and tired. "I said a lot of stupid things the last time I saw you and I'm so sorry. I don't even know where to begin."

You just continued to wait. There was nothing you wanted to say to him at this moment, but you promised Eren that you would at least listen.

"I'm sorry kissed Annie," he started. The sound of her name nearly brought tears to your eyes, but you let out a loud sigh that you made sure he heard. "I can't make the excuse that she made the first move because I didn't say no."

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