"And you all are just gonna sit back and watch, I know you and thee others can't do shit about it. And I continue to do whatever the fuck I want, like I always have." I could tell he was pissed off at me because the flame on his head started turning red, he forced himself to calm down because he knew that I was right and even he couldn't do anything to stop me even if he or his superior wanted too.

"Ohh..I recently came across some information. This is the first I've heard of it." Me saying that caught Galim's attention as I continued talking

"Apparently there are sinners that know about me have there own little theory...in a sinner successfully bonds my soul with theirs they'll be able to leave hell...and have the same immortality as me." I could tell that this was news to him and he questioned me

"Where did you hear this?"

"From a sinner I knew during my time as Simone Night.....I heard this when I was in England for my first world tour a few months ago..So this is your first time hearing this as well?" After asked that Galim answered me

"I'll have to report this as soon as possible." Thankfully for me Galim didn't stay long and I was happy about that, though I had a feeling that it wouldn't be the last I would see someone from heaven...

The next morning I groaned and to my confusion I woke up on the floor in the master bathroom.

"What the fuck? Why am I on the floor?" I questioned that to myself and before rubbing my eyes I saw the my hands had blood on them, seeing that made me shoot up in almost panic and looking at the mirror I saw that I was covered in blood mainly around my mouth and the even more strange part was that I didn't feel hungry at all.

"What happened after Galim left?" being almost afraid I opened the door from the bathroom and seeing the bedroom, I was happy that there's wasn't any dead body but there where faint bloody footprints that came out of the open balcony. Using my powers I had summoned a lot of Hydrogen peroxide and using my levitation powers I had done some quick cleaning while not leaving the bathroom, during that cleaning a kept thinking about what had happened and why I don't remember anything and why I wasn't the slightest bit hungry either. The second after I made certain the blood was cleaned off I quickly took a shower that lasted me thirty minutes, before getting out I did put on my foundation makeup still hiding my bare face. It was coming out of my bedroom and seeing Octavia already up and watching the news in the living room that had me a little jittery at first but I calmed down.

"Morning Hela."

"Yay...morning." I said that as I was walking to the kitchen and when Octavia had changed the channel to the morning news and hearing a certain segment made me stop in my tracks.

"Today's news this morning is a strange one...around the middle of the night someone had broken into several New York steak house." Hearing that made me turn around a little confused by that as the news continued

" This thief didn't take any money no...this person had practically eaten all of the meat that had in stock, this carnivorous individual had broken into a total of ten restaurants without sounded thee alarms nor did any of there surveillance cameras caught the person either. And from what people have been reported and adding up the total this person had eating or stole over a hundred pounds of different cuts of mainly raw beef." Hearing all that I was completely shocked by that, more so that I had no memory of that even happening.

"Did I really do that last night?" I thought that to myself as I placed my hand on my flat stomach and had a worried look on my face, I quietly went back to my room and weighted myself. Strangely I didn't gain a pound and I was now at 110lbs.

"Now I'm at 110lbs? I was 113 last night? I lost three pounds overnight?" This proved to me that something was differently wrong with my body at this point, so I decided not to say anything and continue my day like normal. I was a little antsy for it being my last concert and then my vacation not long after, with getting ready after thirty minutes myself and Octavia had arrived at the stadium where my last concert would be at. My concert was to official start at 5pm, I first had to meet my VIP fans. That part lasted for about an hour and a half accounting with meeting the president of the united states and his family, I had met royalty that had shown up to see my last show that had flown into the US. So it meant VERY tight security, in those few hours I noticed that I wasn't hungry though I was thirsty both before and after I had gotten ready. I went with wearing the first dress I had worn in hell for my 'gales of song' video.

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