The porch looks cosy, there's couches and a armchair with pillows and blankets. They look really worn out, contributing to the cosy factor. She don't notice herself standing on the porch, admiring her surroundings, until she hears a loud bang.

"Shit shit shit. No no!"

Kiara slowly opens the door and there he is.


Around him there's a big mess of beer cans and clothes, that he's trying to clean up. Pillows are laying on the floor and it smells like weed.

JJ turns around and notices Kiara standing in front of him. He's shirtless with his shorts hanging low, his hair in a mess and dark under eyes

"What the fuck are you doing here?!"

"l was on a walk and ended up here. Are you ok? What happen-"

"You just walked in to a house you don't know who lives in?"

JJ's tone is harsh and makes Kiara's stomach turn.

"No I heard your voice so I thought-"

"You thought what?? That you could just come in here without permission?"

"I also heard a loud bang so I wanted to see what it was."

JJ's stares at her with his blood red eyes. He almost look dead.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, so get the fuck out of here."


Kiara takes a small step towards him, being cautious with her movements.

"Don't!" Just fucking leave!"

Kiara takes another step.

"Don't. Leave, now."

Kiara doesn't move.

"Fucking hell Kiara! You're the one who don't want to be around me, so don't act like you fucking care cause it's all bullshit!!"

"We both know that's not true JJ."

"Do we?? Cause I'm pretty sure you literally thru me out yesterday cause you don't want me to ruin your kook reputation!"

Kiara sighs, regretting yesterday's decision.

"I'm sorry for what I did and said but that wasn't the reason."

"Yeah sure."

"My parents cares about my reputation, that everything needs to be and look perfect from the outside.. Which is why they don't want me to be around pouges.."

JJ looks down, gathering his thoughts and Kiaras words. He throws himself on the couch, pulling out a beer can underneath him and puts in on the table.

"I can't do this anymore."


Kiara feels her stomach drop, worse than ever before and her eyes fills up with tears.

jj maybank fanfics Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora