This is What I Mean

Start from the beginning

Charlie felt tears prick at the back of his eyes as he felt as if his knees could no longer support him. He leaned on to the wall to support himself.

He looked down as his eyes squinted and lips quivered. "You are the one who gave me hope, You are the reason why I'm like this, Trev" his voice came out as a low whisper.

Trevor stood there shell-shocked. It was a lot of information to get in thirty seconds. When he finally processed what he had been told, he opened his mouth to speak. But he really didn't know what to say.

"I don't think I understand what you are trying to say" Trevor pursed his lips as he dug his hands deep into his pockets. He felt kind of awkward.

Charlie let out a scoff. "Of course, you don't" he shook his head, feeling ashamed of himself.

What was he even thinking?! Heh.

"Hey, I really--"

"Shut up, Trev" Charlie's lip twitched as he tried hard to keep his composure, holding onto his knees.

Trevor heaved a sigh. "Why don't we just go back to class and maybe talk it out later?"

"S-stop talking to me" Charlie's voice dropped down to a whisper.

Trevor had a strange feeling inside him. He knew what he truly felt.

All this while, he tried shutting out his mind every single time his feelings surfaced up. But right now, it really felt a little too hard to do.

Was it really worth it?

For the first time in his life, he felt guilt gnawing at him. It suffocated him.

How could he make this human suffer so much in this misery when he could just happily welcome him with open arms?

Afterall, isn't that what he wants too?

Deep inside doesn't he wish for the same?

Trevor swallowed hard.

"Ch-Charlie... What if... What if I told you... That I like you too?"

Charlie scoffed. "What? Is this another sick trick of you? So you can laugh at me later?"

Trevor's eyebrows drew closer and his lips curved into a frown.

Did he really think he was that bad of a guy?

"I... I'm not kidding" Trevor balled his fists on his sides.

Charlie slid down the wall and sat there with one of his hands on his knee. He took a sharp inhale of air.

He ran a hand through his hair and looked up at Trevor. He clenched his jaws in an attempt to keep himself from falling apart.

"What do you mean, Trev?"

Trevor pursed his lips.

What does he mean?

Can words ever make him believe him?

Trevor spared a glance to his sides and he heaved a sigh.

Charlie was confused why Trevor was suddenly kneeling in front of him.

But before he knew it, he leaned in and connected their lips, taking a hold of his neck.

A voice in his head screamed at Charlie that they were in the hallways, where anyone could probably walk in on them. But that tiny little voice was swept to the very back of his head as Trevor's sweet lips moved against his in a slow rhythm.

Just as he liked to stay like that forever, Trevor eventually pulled away and gazed into Charlie's dilated pupils that were gazing back at him. He ran his thumb down his cheek and spoke in a low voice.

"This is what I mean when I say that I like you. This is what I've always meant with every single word I said to you. It was just.... I was too much of a coward to face it, Char"

Charlie sniffled and held onto Trevor's hand that caressed his face. "No more running away?"

Trevor nodded his head and Charlie's face relaxed. " Is this--is this really happening?"

Trevor gave him another nod and his breth hitched.

A teary smile tugged at Charlie's lips and he laughed. "Imbecile" he shook his head lightly in half disbelief that this was real., "I hate you" he chuckled again.

Trevor cocked his head to his side with an impressed look on his face. "You have all the right to. I'm sorry for putting you through all this" he said and held his forehead against Charlie's.

It felt good to be like that. It was peaceful.

Charlie shifted under Trevor's weight that was partially leaned on to him. "Now, get off of me before someone sees us"

Trevor smiled and got up, dusting his knees.

He lend Charlie a hand and helped him up.

"I'm going to tell everyone that you cried because the teacher yelled at you" Trevor said with a mischevious smirk tugging at his lips as he locked his fingers with Charlie's.

All of a sudden, Charlie felt embarrassed and he started rubbing his hand up and down his face vigourously. "Don't you dare" he mumbled.

"Ooh, what else are you supposing to tell them? Your eyes are all red and puffy!" Trevor let out a light laugh and dragged Charlie along with him as he made his way through the halls.

Charlie didn't feel insulted.

He didn't feel awkward.

He didn't feel embarrassed.

What he felt was pure joy.

The butterflies inside his stomach were all free and let out. They were dancing around him, fluttering their wings, bringing joyous colors to his life.

This was happiness.

Charlie chuckled to himself.

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