Chapter Seventy-Eight

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I dropped my head, letting the dagger fall. The scent of fresh blood filled the air, and my eyes traveled down, looking over Xavier's corpse. His green eyes were void of the breath that made us alive. His skin was white, except for the crimson stains. And his eyes were locked on me, even in this state.

Colleen's soft voice rang out, humming little songs to herself. My eyes slid to her, sitting atop Azriel's wings. Her soft hands holding into him for dear life. His chest rose and fell quietly, trying to hide the pain he felt with each movement.

"Aoife," he breathed.

"He's dead," I whispered. Azriel nodded silently, his eyes running over me searching for any injury. "He's dead," I repeated, in disbelief, more for myself than him. "And they came. Tam and Eris came."

"Don't celebrate too early. This fight is far from over," he advised sharply, his eyes not leaving mine. I nodded, taking a large step toward him.

"What about Colleen?"

"You won't like the answer." I stared at him blankly, unsure what words he'd utter. "Nesta."


"I don't think that's a good idea," I shot back.

"Just because you do not care for her-"

"This has nothing to do with my feelings toward her," I interrupted. Azriel stared blankly at me, waiting for the elaboration. "I don't think she'll sit back idly and watch this war." His facial expression remained constant, hiding whatever thoughts hid behind his shining eyes. "I wouldn't. Or couldn't."

"Because of Cass?"

"The way she screamed for him was no different than Feyre to Rhys. Or me to you. I heard that fear, that longing, and the realization that life does not continue without him. The same way I felt when Xavier held me in Windhaven."

"Do you think she knows?" I was silent, thinking carefully.

"In some capacity, yes."

"Then Madja." His lips parted, no emotion showing on his strong face.

"Give her to me," a musical voice rang out. "She'll be safe." My eyes widened, looking over my shoulder. "After all, she is my kin." The female stood tall, not meek as I'd become so accustomed to seeing her. Her deep red locks fell with slight waves, unmoving in the wind. And for the first time in centuries, her lips curled into a sly smile.

"Mother? What are you doing here?" Her smile grew, her eyes dancing with life.

"Protecting what is mine," she muttered, briefly looking into the sky, watching the golden beast slice through the winged beasts. "Give her to me. We must be quick." She held her hand to Colleen. "Before your Father realizes what his sons and I have done." My heart jumped into my throat, all words escaping me.

"Aoife," Azriel started, but my body reacted without hearing his warning. I grabbed her and held her close.

"I love you," I whispered. "So much." Her blue eyes didn't leave mine, and a single tear fell from mine.

"I will do everything in my power to keep her safe and from harm's way," Azriel spoke lowly.

"You must keep yourself safe too. Because without you, she will be lost," she advised, almost warned. Her heart ached with those words. "Come," she whispered, placing a hand on Colleen and stepping into safety.

"Where should we go?" I dared to ask. His wings dropped, sagging to the ground, now letting his weakness be known. All because Colleen was safe.

"Nowhere. Let them come to us." I gazed out over the sea of death that seemed to be swiftly approaching. I watched as our kinsmen were slaughtered before our eyes, listening to the screams and moans of the dying.

An Autumn Night- An ACOTAR Story (Azriel x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant