{12.16} 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 1

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A Young woman walks out of the bar named 'Ale House and onto the sidewalk, texting as she walks.

"Are you calling me a liar? Seriously?" She Says

A hand grabs her shoulder from behind. The woman gasps as she spins around. A young man is standing there. He chuckles as he holds up his cellphone.

"Yeah. Seriously. You're so busted." He Says

The woman and man are walking on a dark road, animal sounds can be heard in the background as the two of them continue to walk.

"You are beyond lame, you know that? Let's just go back. Please?, I'll get you in. Ever had a Moscow Mule?" She Says

"A Moscow Mule?, Will you just, for once, act your age." He Says

"Says the guy who doesn't even have his own car." She Says

"Stop hounding Mom about buying us a car, all right? She's doing the best she can." He Says

"Two more years, I am so gone." A branch snaps, she hears it. "Hold up! Did you hear that?" She Says

"Yeah. They're called animals." He Says

"Let's just go back into town." She Says

"No, Hayden, we're going." He Says

"Have you, like, never seen a horror movie?
Two kids, dark road, creepy noise in the woods?
We keep walking...and boom!" Hayden Says

"You are such a drama queen. All right, there's nothing there." He Says

"But I-" Hayden Says

"No, fine. I'll prove it." He Says, he walks away then starts walking further down the road.

"Sucker." Hayden Says, smiling.

She turns back the way they came and texts 'Coming right back'. The man continues to walk, using his cellphone as a light.

"See?, Told you." He Says

Hayden screams are heard in the distance and he runs back to her, finding her laying on the ground.

"Hayden!..Hayden...No. Oh, my God. Hey.
Help! Hayden, Hayden, Hayden, Hayden." He Says

A growl comes from behind the man. He turns and sees a figure in black from head to toe with a white skeleton skull on the face mask. The figure lunges forward and stabs the man in the stomach.

"Aah!" He Says, The figure turns towards Hayden and growls at her.



Dean is rummaging through his drawer in his bedroom, he looks under his bed and sighs annoyed.
Sam walks pass his room and see's him.

"Are you trying to mess up your room even more." Sam Says

"No I'm trying to find my grey flannel." Dean Says

"Just wear another one, look there's one right there the uh red one." Sam Says, pointing to the red flannel on his bed.

"No I already wore that one for three days now, gotta switch it up plus it's my favorite one.." Dean Says

"All right well hurry up and find something, Mick just called he wants us to report to him." Sam Says

"Why?" Dean Asks

𝚂 𝚞 𝚙 𝚎 𝚛 𝚗 𝚊 𝚝 𝚞 𝚛 𝚊 𝚕 • 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 11Where stories live. Discover now