Suspicious Minds.

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(A/N: Thank you guys so much for the 5k reads on this story, considering i didn't think it was going to do so well at first. Thank you for proving me wrong... Also i'm thinking that the next chapter is going to be the last chapter for this story, but i don't know yet... PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK BECAUSE I CAN'T MAKE DECISIONS BY MYSELF lol... ENJOY!!!)

*Ricky's POV*

I can't believe we are coming to the end of this tour already. We did a couple of shows since that night when i sang to Ryan and the rest of the guys, and ever since then they'd always make me sing on stage by myself no matter how much i protested. After about the third show, i got used to it. I grew used to Ryan always standing my my side as i played on the beautiful guitar he got me, and when i'd get nervous, he'd squeeze my shoulder gently and smile. In the end i always did fairly well and the crowd would go absolutely wild. That was my favorite part.

But now, we were creeping up slowly to our last show and i really didn't want this tour to end. This is where some of my best... and regrettably worst memories happened. And, yeah, i know that their will be many more tours ahead of our band's career, but this one was special.

And lately Ryan has been acting weird again. And not weird like i'm-acting-like-a-unicorn-because-i'm-high weird, but more like i'm-planning-something-and-no-one-can-know weird. I don't like it. I'm never in the loop anymore and i'm tired of it. Like, just because i'm small doesn't mean i'm invisible, how many times do i have to tell them that?

"Shh..." Chris elbowed Josh as i walked into the main area of the bus. Well, that couldn't make it any more obvious. "Uhh... hey, Ricky!" Josh added in a suspiciously fake smile.

"Idiots." Ghost grumbled from his spot on the opposite couch, shaking his head as he glared at Josh and Chris.

"What are you you guys up to? And why is Ryan avoiding me again? I swear i didn't do anything this time..." I gazed apprehensively at the both of them.

"Oh, i don't know." Chris giggled.

"If you make it any more noticeable, you might as well tell me..." I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and headed out of the tour bus to just walk around. We were now in Florida and our next and last venue was somewhere around this town. I'm not very good with names of cities, but i'm good at finding my way around them. Just as i stepped out of the bus i smashed directly into a grinning Ryan.

Our bodies collided and we both nearly fell, but somehow we managed to keep our balance. Unfortunately the contents of our pockets weren't as fortunate. My cellphone skidded out of my sweatshirt pocket and an all black box tumbled out of Ryan's. His face went pale as he scrambled to pick it up and stuff it back in his pocket. Odd.

"Dammit." I scowled and bent down to retrieve my cracked phone. "Just my luck."

"Sorry, sweetheart." Ryan kissed my forehead quickly before leaping and running into the tour bus. As i said before, odd. I decided to just shove my phone back into my pocket and not worry about it before walking around town to look at the little shoppes.

*Ryan's POV*

After shopping for something very precious and important, i decided to head back to the tour bus. I couldn't help the grin on my face that resembled the Cheshire cat's. I thought long and hard about it and i decided that it was time.

 Wham! I crashed into Ricky who coincidentally was exiting the bus at the same time that i wanted to enter it. All the breath was knocked out of me along with the black satin box that was stored in my pocket. Luckily, Ricky was preoccupied with snatching his phone off the concrete that i had time to pick up the box without him noticing.

"Dammit." he groaned as he looked over his cracked screen.

"Sorry, sweetheart." My heart was racing as i swiftly kissed him on his forehead before retreating to the safety of the tour bus.

"Did you get it?" Ghost looked up from whatever was playing on the TV (I think he was watching Sweeney Todd). I sighed and nodded before plopping down onto the couch, leaning my head back onto the cushions of the sofa. "You're paler than usual, and that usually means that you're going to have a panic attack, what's wrong?"

"What isn't wrong? You'd be freaking out too if you were in the same position as me!" I got flustered and hid my face in a pillow.

Ghost shrugged. "Maybe, one day." The blood rushing through my body felt cold in my veins, so cold that i was shivering. Maybe this wasn't the right decision. Maybe i'm not ready for hings like this.

"I should just return it, there's no way i am going to do this without passing out." I raked my hand roughly through my straight hair then pulled on it savagely out of nerves.

"Calm down, dude, you'll be fine." Ghost grabbed my hands and held them down before i could do any more damage to myself. "You got this."


Sorry this chapter was kinda short, well shorter than usual. I hope you liked it because i definitely think the next chapter will be the last for this story, and then most likely a sequel. I mean the next chapter will be the 20th chapter...


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