Sing For Me, Sweetheart.

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(A/N: i'm just gonna get right into the chapter... ENJOY!!!)

*Ricky's POV*

The date. Oh, God, the date. It was one of the most awkwardest yet best date in the world. Sure, i haven't been on many dates in the past... okay, only one... but they've never ended up in that way. Not that i'm complaining, because that was absolutely amazing, except for the part where Josh was fucking watching us the whole time. I guess that was kind of my fault in a way, because i should have been paying more attention instead of being horny, but honestly, c'mon do you think i was going to pay attention to anything but Ryan in that moment.

And now i'm stuck with Josh and Chris who are constantly mocking me and torturing me while Ryan is out buying things. Well, let me rephrase that, Josh was making fun of me while Chris sat there hopelessly confused. Thank god Josh didn't say anything to the guys about what happened... all though his recent comments made it quite obvious.

"Did you have fun last night?" Josh asked suggestively, adding a wink that luckily only i saw.

"Oh yeah, how was your date?" Chris added in, oblivious to Joshes tormenting.

I shifted uncomfortably, recalling the events of last night. I felt my cheeks heat up as a blush crept onto my face. Way to make it obvious, Ricky. "It was fun."

"Oh yeah Looooottts of fun." Josh said in a sarcastic sing-song way as he passed by me. I was about five seconds away from kicking Balz in the... balls, but instead i settled for tripping him as he walked by. It was hilarious. But of course, with my horrible luck, the revenge ended up bad for me as well. Josh's Monster (energy drink) slipped out of his hand as he fell and spilled its contents just about all over my body, leaving a cold, sticky substance just about all over my body. God dammit, why did Ryan have to leave me with this imbecile while he looked for a new acoustic guitar because his other one somehow got broken during its transportation to the new venue, or at least that's what he told me. He brought Ghost along with him for who-knows -what-reason.

"I'm back, Bitchesss."Entered Ryan with his perfect timing as usual. In his hands he held an almost all black guitar that was very similar to the one he had before. The only difference was that this one was outlined in a bright crimson red along the edges. It looked absolutely amazing and i would have appreciated the guitar's beauty a lot more if i hadn't been covered in Josh's back wash. Eww.

Ryan sat down beside me as i tried to wipe off all of the juice on my exposed skin. Josh groaned as he pulled himself off the ground and glared at me as he was forced to throw out his now-empty Monster can. "Aww, baby, you're all sticky." Ryan leaned close to me, only centimeters away from my face. I swear my heart triples its beat and the blushing had reached a whole new level. This was the same feeling i had last night except this time, we had a lot more people watching and i'm not as distracted.

"Ryan, the guys are here." I awkwardly and reluctantly whispered, not daring to make a move. If i did decide to move it would most likely be towards him and not away from him, i feared that my horny side would take over again.

"That's too bad." His voice was deep once again as he kissed my cheek, whispering in my ear. I felt his tongue against the soft skin on my cheek just as soon as he pulled away slightly. "Is that monster?"

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