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(A/N: My apologies for not updating quick enough but it keeps y'all in suspense ;) i don't know why i said 'y'all' i don't normally say that lol.... but ill make up for my lateness with a fluffy chapter... ENJOY!)

*Ryan's POV*

Unfortunately, Ricky went back to his bunk last night. I didn't exactly protest because i didn't want to sound needy, but i was needy. I barely slept because all night i craved his warmth. God, i sound like a girl. No, Ricky would be the girl in this relationship, i'm sure of it. Wait, a relationship? Was last night his way of asking me to be his boyfriend?

My heart was a little panicky and i could feel it fluttering around in my rib cage like a butterfly. What if we did date? Would that even work? I mean, i don't think it would affect the fans, they certainly loved it when we kissed on stage, not even a few days ago. God, that kiss was amazing.

I pried the covers from around me and untangled myself from my blankets. We didn't have a show today so we all would probably hang out today, in a park or something.

"Ryan!" Josh caught me when i stepped out from my bunk.

"Where's Ricky?" I looked around curiously, noticing that only Josh and Ghost were sitting on the couches, watching an old hockey game on the TV. "And Chris?"

"I sent them on a shopping trip since i have to get ready for my hot date tonight." He smirked, winking at his statement. I sure hope he mean a date with his girlfriend, Ryan Ashley. "We're going on a picnic tonight." Josh started to lead me towards the bathroom where we kept all of our make up kits... or as he calls it his 'goth kit'.

"Oh." I murmured, still thinking about Ricky in the back of my head.

"Do you think i should go like 'full goth' or just 'ehh'?" He tried to explain in his weird way.

"Dude, you sound like a girl." I chuckled, folding my arms over my toned chest.

"Well, i need your opinion since you're the girl in your 'relationship', or whatever you want to call it, with Ricky!" I glared at him and took offense to that.

"I am not the girl." I grumbled under my breath. He just rolled his eyes and snickered. But, even he said that i was practically dating Ricky, which left me in even more confusion. "You should go all out with your make up, i mean, she's bound to see you this way anyways." I started to walk away as he began his whole make up process. I wasn't all that in to make up, only when i'm on stage will i paint half of my face and be done with it. I'm a pretty good looking guy in general, so i don't need all that make up. I smiled proudly to myself.

"Wait, Ryan!" Josh grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. I rolled my eyes and prepared myself for more make-up oriented opinion questions. I gave Josh the 'what-do-you-want' look. "We should make this a double date, you should come."

"But who would be my date?" I asked stupidly. Josh looked at me like i was a complete idiot, and like the answer was totally obvious. "Ohhhh!" It finally hit me that he meant Ricky. "But it would be awkward to ask him." I shied away from the situation.

"Be a man and ask him, you baby." He made fun of me.

"But you and your girl friend are gonna be like kissing and making out." My face cured up in disgust.

"Yeah, like you and Ryan don't do that." He retorted and went back to applying his pounds of make up. I grumbled curses to myself and trudged my way out to the couches, plopping down next to Ghost. And of course, just then, Chris and Ricky burst in the door carrying large brown bags in there hands.

"WE'RE HOOOOMMMEEEE!" They sang like children. Oh God, do i really have to ask him on a date? What if he says 'no' and just leaves me hanging there? Chris and Ricky dropped the bags of what i assumed was food onto the table. "What's wrong, you're as pale as a ghost?" We all kind of subconsciously looked over at Ghost who chuckled to himself evilly. "We really need a new expression."

"I need to talk to you..." My voice shook slightly, giving me a weak appearance. Ricky's face went from a smile to almost as pale as mine.

"What's wrong? Who do i need to beat the shit out of?" I smiled, settling his nerves a little bit and pulled him back to the bunk area. "What's up?" He had to look up at me slightly since i was a little taller than him.

"So... umm" I looked down at my shoes and pulled the sleeves pf my sweatshirt down until they covered my hands completely. It was also a nervous habit of mine to bite my lip.

"Ryan, you're making me nervous, did i do something wrong?" I could have sworn his icy blue eyes got even bluer, if that was even possible.

"No. no of course not!" I panicked again. See, this is why i could never date anyone, i always just wimped out and ran away, staying to myself for the rest of my life. But cats were always there, with there fluffy tails and furry faces and playful- Ryan you're getting distracted. " You see, ummm...." I raked my hands through my hair nervously. Josh is going on a date with his girlfriend tonight, and-" I tried to find a good way to say this without sounding completely and utterly awkward. Maybe if i just say it fast... "wouldyouliketogoonadatewithmewiththem?" I smiled uncomfortably.

"Woah, woah, say that again... a little slower this time." He laughed at my anxiousness. I swear, he was trying to give me a panic attack.

"Would you like to go on a double date with me and like Josh and his Girlfriend?" After a moment of silence and me completely avoiding eye contact with him, my hands started to shake. "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to." I flinched, closing my eyes to await his response.

But instead of a response in words, Ricky Surprised me by standing on his tiptoes and kissing me, wrapping his arms around my trembling waist.

"i'll take that as a yes." I couldn't help the huge smile that arose on my lips.


Sorry, i guess i'll have to add the fluffy parts in the next chapter ;)


When Love Met Destruction (Sitkolson)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ