You guys are idiots.

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(A/N: So i kinda got the idea/inspiration for this chapter from an imagine that i read on tumblr and i would post a link to it but i cant find it but once i find it ill post it so you can read it. It's not going to be exactly the same as that imagine but its based off of it, so credit for the idea to the author of that imagine... ENJOY!) (Btw, i love this picture of Ricky, along with all the other ones lol)

Music: Morticians Daughter (by Black Veil Brides)

             Backseat Serenade (All Time Low)

*Ricky's POV*

        I missed just talking to Ryan. We used to talk all the time over the stupidest things or even the simplest of things and now i cant even do just that. I'd sometimes find myself going up to him to show him a stupid picture on tumblr, but then i'd remember that we're avoiding each other. What if he felt the same way? No, he was the one who was mad at me in the first place. He started it. 

        "Rick, you're a half ass pirate." Josh stared at me with such a blank expression. How long has he been sitting there? Wait, how long have i been sitting here? I was in such deep thought that i hadn't realized that i have been sitting here for about a half an hour. Josh's expression has yet to explain.

        "I wasn't a pirate to begin with." I glared at him, pulling my hood over my head and folding my arms over my chest. "And where the fuck did you come from?" That came out a little harsh.

        "My mother..." Josh took another sip from his beer can. I swear, one night I'm just going to have to replace all the beer in the tour bus with like apple juice or piss or something. I bet then he'd stop drinking. I chuckled to myself. "And what's gotten you two so angry lately?" 

        "Us two?" I questioned. "You mean me and Ryan?" I looked around suspiciously. Did they know what happened? Did the guys know that i kissed him? I mean, i know they 'ship' us for whatever reason, but i figured that was all just a joke. 

        "Yeah, he's been in his bunk this whole ride listening to angry metal music."

        "You do know that we are in an angry metal band... right?" I snorted sarcastically, earning a scowl from Josh.

        "No, shit. I thought we were in a boy band, shit, call my mom, i want to go home." He responded just as sarcastically as i did. "Don't worry, i know what'll make you guys cheer up..." He winked before getting up to meet the rest of the guys where ever they were. I had a worrying feeling that the guys were up to something, and not something good. Not like they were ever up to anything good in the first place. Cheer us up? They were lucky if they could even get us to talk to each other. The bus jolted slightly to a halt as the bus driver hollered at us that we'd be there in five minutes. We have been on this bus for about four hours and most of that time i had spent thinking about Ryan and then scolding myself for doing so. It would be nice to get out and get some fresh air while stretching my aching muscles.  This confined space is torturing me and not to mention the close proximity to Ryan that had also been eating my insides out. So many times throughout this whole ride i had been tempted to talk to Ryan and try to convince him to be my friend again, at least, and every time i talk myself out of it because i didn't have the guts to do it. Maybe i was a half ass pirate.

("Ricky you're a half ass pirate: )

*Ryan's POV*

        I dont know why i was so mad at Ricky. Yeah, the whole 'girlfriend' thing pissed me off, but his excuse made sense to me. It was just my stubborn personality that made me this way. I wasn't just going to apologize to him. I just had to calm down, and as weird as it may sound, listening to angry and loud music helped me do that. I blasted "Proving Grounds" by Attila on my ipod until i thought my ears were going to bleed from how loud it was. But, surprisingly, it slowed my heart rate and made me forget about most of my anger at Ricky.

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