Pot Hole.

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(A/N: Thanks for the reads and comments, i love hearing your responses to certain parts of the story, so continue commenting! I also plan on updating a lot since im on spring break from school, so i have a lot of time on my hands. I hope to put in some very interesting/emotional or whatever chapters... so thanks! Oh, and can you guys read my new story, Blood Grown ? enjoy!)

Music: The Edge (by Tonight Alive)
Killer (by The Ready Set)

*Ricky's POV*

Fine. If he wanted to be like that, then so be it. I didn't want to be the bad guy, but he didn't seem to bother with that thought. I don't know what has gotten into Ryan lately, but his sweet innocent self is gone and its fucked me up just as badly as it has messed him up. Actually, i do know what has gotten into him and i didn't like it. Why couldn't we just settle this stupid fight? I thought Ryan and I were best friends but he didn't even have the audacity to tell me that he had anxiety. That's the sort of thing that you tell friends, not just to tell him, but so i could have helped him. What would have happened if Josh wasn't there when he had his anxiety attack? What if it was just me? Surely, i wouldn't have known what to do, He could have seriously been hurt. I've yet to hear of someone dying from a panic attack, but who knows. He should have told me!

And to think i had a crush on this boy! Wait, did i really have a crush on him? I mean, i did kiss him voluntarily, but it was different, wasn't it? And i thought he liked me back, and now hes acting like I'm the monster in this battle. I hate everything. Ugh, and now i sound like a teenage girl drooling over a petty crush.

I'm done trying to be his friend and get close to him to work all of this out when he is avoiding me and pushing me away. I pushed my way out of the central area of the bus and slipped into the bunk, throwing my pillows away from me out of anger, although that didn't really satisfy my rage. My muscles craved to just throw something or break something to get all this pent up frustration to subside, but i had nothing to break. I wonder if Ryan was feeling the same way? Like, when hes angry does he break things? Oh yeah, he just breaks my heart.

Jeez, i feel like i just broke up with the love of my life. But that's exactly it. I didn't break up with anyone, and Ryan wasn't the love of my life, but it sure felt like it. But I'm... not... gay. I was sure of that just a few days ago. But what about Ryan? What's up with him? Maybe i just made this whole crush thing up in my head. Maybe i just wanted him to like me so badly that i pretended that he did. This whole mind game is fucked up.

*Ryan's POV*

Josh helped me to my feet after my little incident with anxiety. I was scared, i didn't mean to scare Ricky too, i hope he knew that. I should have told him bout my anxiety a while ago, now that i think of it. But i didn't exactly think it would be a reoccurring issue in my life. I thought it would be over and done with after high school. I thought it was just a phase in my life, and i have overcome it but i guess i was mistaken.

"Are you okay, now?" Josh held onto my arm as i regained my balance once again.

"I'm still lightheaded." I complained. "But i'm fine, i hope this isn't going to happen a lot." I groaned. If this is going to occur often during the tour, then we're in for one hell of a time. Hint to my sarcasm. I don't think it will happen again, but i couldn't exactly worry about that right now.

"Yeah, you should go back to your bed, if you have another anxiety attack, just call out to me, I'm obviously not going anywhere since we're on the road. But i wouldn't really expect any of the other guys to help you, they're already betting on who will win Halo on Xbox." He rolled his eyes and led me over to the wall of bunks. Luckily, mine was on the bottom, so i wouldn't have to climb, unluckily, mine was right underneath Ricky's which i was absent-mindedly avoiding. I didn't want to avoid him, but i didnt want to talk to him until i have figured out what i felt about him, which could take a while. Oh my, what could he be thinking right now? He probably thinks i hate him, but that's the opposite of what i felt. I was confused and frustrated, but i could never be angry at Ricky.

Abruptly, the tour bus jolted through a pothole in the road. I lost my balance once again but didn't fall to the ground completely, instead i fell against Josh who was holding himself firmly against the wall. We were all sturdy except Ricky, who was apparently in his bunk. He came tumbling out of his bunk and flew through the air straight at me. His limbs were flailing violently until i caught him midair in my arms, bride style. surprisingly he wasn't as heavy as one may think. Actually, he didn't look heavy at all, but that's because of his height, and he lived up to his looks because he was as light as a feather.

I couldn't help but smirk as he clung to my body like a cat. His arms were wrapped defensively around my neck and his head was buried against my chest. I have to say, i did miss this very much. My left arm held his legs and my right arm held his back, bridal style. We stayed like this for a few moments until the realization hit us. He squirmed and i let him go, dropping him to the ground with a thud.

"Ow." He rubbed the back of his head that hit the floor harshly. Whoops.

"Aww, but that was cuteeeee..." Josh made a lovey-dovey face as we both glared at him, then at each other as we returned to our bunks.


Thanks for reading, again. I hope to update this again soon, but for now, comment away and vote away!


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