Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen!!!


Standing in the front room of my cabin, just thinking of how it was possible. I mean she did get taken away eight years ago. So how did she know? Does she know? Could she have known? Did she plan? God this is frustrating! We were doing fine before she returned.

I started pacing the length of the room. Just thinking about it was making me want to rip my hair out strand by strand because of how frustrating this was making me. We were getting our own back on the prince and it ends up showing that it hadn't even affected it a little. Well, at least he hasn't recognised her and she doesn't recognise him, right?

I started to run my hand through my shaggy black hair, thinking of ways to keep them away from each other so they won't and would not find out about this and their past together. I just hope it hasn't started to rub off on either of them. if it had them I better run, and fast.

Now I bet your just staring at these words as if they had grown legs and walked off the page, confused. Well, why don't I clear things up for you so your not in the dark, hidden in the shadows. You know? Shed a little light on the situation.


I stood there watching as the two youngsters mess about in the yellow field. It shouldn't be Marcus and Maria, that should be me and Marcus. We are supposed to be friends! Our parents even tried to get us closer because I'm the kings best friends son and they want me to be Marcus's but everytime I try to get close to him, even try to talk to him, he'll tell me to go away or to tell him later and run off with his little girlfriend!!

I smashed the vase that was right next to me in pure rage. I turned around, knowing that I couldn't watch anymore, not even if I got payed too. This was my one shot at being big in this world, to be known and feared, not some low life and have that taken straight out of my grasp by a girl, a younger girl at that!

I stomped my way up the stairs to find my sister, Izzie. Isabelle and I are twins and were both thirsty for power. Izzie wants Marcus to fall for her and make her his princess and I want power because I'm fed up of being so low I life, being takes down to. You probably don't know what it feels like and words can't describe the feeling so I'm not even going to try to explain it to you.

"Izzie" I said as I knocked onto the door, opening it after three knocks. I slid through the door and quietly shut the door behind me. I tiptoed my way over to her bright pink double bed and sat on it, waiting for her to arrive. I felt as though I was sitting in hell whilst I waited. I sat on a bright pink bed, which is bigger then mine, little teddies were staring intensely at me and the only thing I could hear was the laugher and cheerful voices of those two. Err! Why can't he just be MY friend? It was supposed to be ME out there, not HER! Why'd she have to go and mess with my families plan and fun? The one time we want to be rich and royal, someone has to come along and ruin it. To make matters worse, it had to be an eight year old girl.

The squeak of a door made me start to pay attention to what's going on around me. The door squeaked again, causing me to look up. Making her way over, Izzie's hair was flowing loosely in the breeze that was making its way in through the open window.

"Brother dear. What happens to be the problem?" Izzie asked a little to confident and casual for my liking. I looked back down to my feet that were under my knees since I was sitting crossed legged on the bed. I only started talking when I felt the bed dip next to me and a hand appeared on my knee. I took a deep breath.

"Marcus still won't notice me! He's always with his little girl friend! How's this plan going to happen if he won't even bid me a good day?" I complained, really not wanting to think about life without any riches, jewels or titles included for me.

"Don't worry, dear brother. I have the perfect plan. She'll be gone by her birthday" They were the last words I heard out of Izzie's mouth before she left me alone in her room and went onto putting her plan into action. She must have a lot of work to get on with too if she wants it done by Maria's birthday since that's only in four days.

I walked back outside and saw Marcus give Maria a ring which had M+M engraved onto it. This only seemed to anger me more. I can't just stand here and do nothing. I went back into Izzie's room and started planning on a backup plan incase Izzie didn't get hers complete in four days.


That was the day we decided on how to get rid of her, but now she's back and Marcus has seen her. Hell, he brought her here; but I'm not going to let that stop me. They could cave got married for all I care. I'm finally classed as Marcus'a friend and I'm not going to let her come back and destroy all our hard work! I'll have to get Lizzie to think of a new way to get rid of her. Lizzie has already planted the ring on her, which I know is Marcus's and Maria's... I mean Nicki's weak spot. You see when we got rid of her, we got her to hate the name Maria and gave her the name Nicole but looks like she's change it to Nicki. Marcus hates thinking about her and she hates the name. So, all I have to do is make sure she hasn't still got the ring. If she has... Then I have to get it off her and keep it away from her. She is NOT ruining the plan AGAIN!

Taken By A Vampire... did I mention he's a royal?? ✔️ [N/E]Where stories live. Discover now