Happily Ever After

Start from the beginning

Something so simple had to be so scary. But that just meant that it mattered to you, right? Important things were bound to feel this way. One thing was for sure though. If you didn't confess your feelings to Seokjin, you would regret it for a long time. You couldn't lose your chance with him. Not when you're young and the two of you still single. The opportunity to do it couldn't get wasted any longer. As terrifying as it could be, you knew the present wasn't always guaranteed. With that in mind, you knew you had to be bold and dive in head first with this decision.


Sort of. You weren't that great of a swimmer, so you weren't going to fling your body into a deep body of water. The only plan was to wear swimwear and meet Seokjin at the fountain behind the castle. He tends to swim there most often. It was a place you shared a lot of sweet memories with him. It wouldn't be anything abnormal in his eyes. The two of you tend to catch up at the fountain these days. He swims around, listening to everything you have to say, and always saying what you need to hear. Today would just be like one of those days! Except you planned to confess this time around.

"(F/n)!! I was hoping to see you today!" Seokjin splashed around in the water. He swam towards the edge, almost pushing himself out of the fountain just to wave to you. He spotted you the second you walked down the stairs to the outside courtyard. He was already making you blush with his words. Did he have to be so sweet? Handsome? And...shirtless? God, you're a mess.

"Did you need me for something?" You smiled at him, hoping he couldn't tell just how nervous you felt.

"Not really. I love your company the most is all." Seokjin rested his head on his arms as he stared up at you. His gaze was sweet and you nearly collapsed. He was making your heart pound violently! As if your body wasn't already on fire, he had to do this to you.

"I'm your favorite?" Giggles slipped out of you. He was eager to nod, his fins moving out of excitement. It was strange how just staring at him, you felt your heart filled with love. It was overwhelming to feel so strongly about someone. It's been so long...it made you want to cry, but you took in a deep breath and sat down by the fountain first. No tears! You're going to try for your happy ending and live with no regrets.

"You'll always be my favorite," Seokjin stated as you dipped your legs into the water. The pink haired man moved himself closer to your legs where you stared down at him. "How come you wear this every time you join me in the water? Wouldn't less clothes be better?"

"Seokjin." You gave him a warning tone. He might not think anything of it, but he was treading on dangerous waters. He was lucky Youngjo wasn't hearing him or even Namjoon. Seokjin was making it seem like you were covered in thousands of layers! It was a dress that went down to the top of your knees and under that were loose pants that went down to your calves. "They protect my modesty."

"Hmm." Seokjin hummed. He played with the ruffles of your pants, trying his best to understand the point of clothing in water. "Is my form now not modest?"

"You're as decent as you can be for a merman." You pointed out. He nodded slowly with such a serious expression. It was hard not to chuckle at him just for that. Seokjin tilted his head at you curiously, wondering what was going on in your human head.

Far too much was going on. You weren't going to spit it out right away. First, you would talk about anything with him which wasn't difficult. His mind would often jump from one place to another, so there was always something new to talk about. Keeping up with him was fun too. Though he would often laugh whenever he left you speechless. He would say the most absurd things with a straight face and get the biggest kick out of it when you would stare at him with wide eyes! Obviously, you had to splash him for being ridiculous every time. He loved it though.

"It's nature, (F/n)," Seokjin told you.

"It's still gross." You shook your head at him. Seokjin kept grinning as you swung your feet back and forth in the water. Looking away from him, you sighed to yourself before looking back at Seokjin. Suddenly, his smile was gone as he stared at you. "...Seokjin?"

"Why do you keep doing that?" Seokjin frowned. You blinked at him, unsure what to say. "You keep sighing and looking away from me...what's wrong? What are you not telling me?"

He tried being respectful of your boundaries. You'll bring it up if you want to, but Seokjin couldn't take it anymore. Then as always, the merman was painfully honest with his approach. There was no beating around the subject when it came to him and he was going to make sure he got an answer. You almost looked down at your lap until Seokjin tugged you into the water with him.

"Seokjin!!" You shrieked.

"What's wrong?" Seokjin had his arms wrapped around your waist. Only your lower body was in the water, but being pressed up against him wasn't the comfort your mind needed right now. "I told you before, (F/n). You can trust me and I won't judge. I'm here for you."

"T-That...did you really have to pull me into the water for that?" You asked as he nodded.

"So you can't go anywhere," he answered matter of factly.

"Seokjin..." You sighed softly. He held onto you tighter, refusing to let you go just for that extra sigh. "You don't have to worry yourself so much over me. I have something on my mind and it's been bugging me for a while now. That's it, nothing big."

"I'll decide that." Seokjin was not going to let you slip this under the rug. Did he have to be so persistent? Your heart was already beating at a faster pace. It won't be long before he notices you blushing. "Tell me, (F/n)."

"...do you promise to react calmly? Because thinking about it, I-I'm already scared of what you'll think...it's not easy for me to talk about, Seokjin," you admitted. The playful aura you had minutes ago was completely gone. It hurt Seokjin to see that. He nodded his head, allowing you to speak everything you needed to. "It's taken me a long time to feel okay again...to trust myself and also figuring out my relationship with others. Trying to understand all my feelings after these couple years...I think I know something now. No, I'm certain of it. However, when it comes to speaking on it...I..." You looked up, locking eyes with Seokjin immediately. His gorgeous eyes made you forget the rest of your sentence. He made you forget everything as you held onto him in the water.

"You?" Seokjin

"Seokjin, I...I've come to love you," you said. Your entire body felt warm and you could feel your eyes prick with tears. Somehow confessing left you so emotional. Possibly the love you felt for Seokjin and finally letting him know or the fear you held with being so vulnerable and the potential rejection. Seokjin saw it all on your face, feeling you tremble in his arms. "I-I don't really know why I'm c-crying right now. I guess I-I'm scared and shocked I fell in love again. I don't know if it's o-okay even though it is! But I still feel guilty a-and I can't make sense of everything–!"

"You don't have to figure it all out right now." Seokjin interrupted you. He caught you before you allowed your thoughts to drown you into madness. He brought one hand to your face, so that you would keep your eyes on him. "Feelings are a complicated thing, (F/n). Life is. It can take many years to figure it out and sometimes there's no right or wrong answer. I think you're doing so well on your own for being aware and accepting this new path you're on."

"...you do?" You watched him nod.

"I do." His smile grew as he leaned closer to your face. "I also wanted to say that I love you. I have for some time now."

"Seokjin!" You cried out. He chuckled, quick to press his lips against yours so you wouldn't feel insecure for much longer. The feelings were returned and he made it clear with how eager he was to kiss you. When he pulled away, Seokjin had a large grin on his face. He must have found it amusing as you pouted at him. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you hugged him and let out a giant sigh of relief.

"That's what all your sighs were about?" Seokjin stroked your hair. "If that was the case, I should have kissed you a lot earlier."

"You're embarrassing me." You buried your face into his shoulder. He found your whines adorable, but Seokjin decided to give you some rest from all the teasing. This clearly was a hard thing for you to say out loud despite the happy outcome.

"Okay, I'll stop." Seokjin kissed your head. "I'll keep loving you now and forever."

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