|| Author's Note ||

Start from the beginning

Okay, so I want to talk about Magic and how it came to be. The original storyline was so different from how it currently is. For one thing, it would have been about Reader going to a school that was for creatures and witches. Something like that, but I never came up with a solid plot for it. One day I forced myself to just scrap the idea and come up with something new. I wanted to create my own version of a fairytale. Sort of a modern one, but not really? Clearly, the story takes place way before technology was even a thought. Still, I hope I used the important lessons that most fairytales tend to teach.

If you're not aware, I am a fan of Cinderella, but honestly the old classic disney movies just inspired me a ton for this story. I rewatched them all and I hope I did my best in creating a Reader that would in a way emulate their energy. A kind, positive woman who perseveres. I know with Dream, I worked on writing a story with emphasis on feminine strength though she was a firecracker. This time I wrote a timid, insecure Reader. I was slightly worried people wouldn't like her since in the beginning, I felt she could be considered 'weak' yet I personally didn't mind that. I hoped you all would come to like her seeing as she's a good person, she does her best, and sometimes she does get those moments to stand up for herself after bottling it all in.

Her first instinct isn't to fight. She's not one to raise her voice or be purposefully rude. It's not in her to do so and I really enjoyed writing a character like that. Sure, she could be seen as weak or a pushover but I don't think those are bad things. I know I have my own moments in real life where I can be seen like that too. As much as I enjoy writing a feisty Reader like in Dream, I relate more to the one in Magic. I did exaggerate it at times to get the point across. Though I hope that just made her development more noticeable.

I really enjoyed writing her character. I don't know, but there were certain traits of hers or her perspective that I myself hope to achieve. I'd like to be positive and kind even to those who I may not necessarily get along with, they don't like me, or for whatever reason. I just know that I want to be kind. I want to be a good person. I wanted to have that message in the story and I know it may not be one everyone can agree with, but I will still believe in it for myself

Reader's development didn't mean her becoming this aggressive character with edge. I wanted her to keep her feminine strength. For a moment, she did almost lose herself but was put in the right path. She just became more confident in herself and understood her values/morals better, enough to continue standing up for what she believed in. Stuff like second chances, empathy, etc.

Next, a member that stirred a lot of drama. Jungkook did a lot of awful things in my story. Though he wasn't a bad person just to be bad. He had internalized hatred and I hoped people would see that. I want people to be able to sympathize with these characters at times. You can hate what he did and disagree with him, but also acknowledge that it's not black and white. Jungkook had to work through his own trauma and issues then try to repair his relationship with his friends. That was something Agatha didn't get to do unfortunately.

Agatha didn't seem friendly from the start. I never wanted Reader to hate her though. I purposefully kept Reader kind to her and she would sympathize with her. Agatha felt incredibly lonely and took out her emotions unfairly on Reader. Then she got influenced and manipulated by a demon of all things. She committed worse acts and came out feeling broken. Agatha finally reached her clarity, but she was dying by then. If she learned Reader wasn't her enemy earlier, I believe Agatha would have been happier. She would have been a good person. She just needed someone to listen to her but depended on the wrong person. I had someone change just in time and one person had it be too late.

I don't know. I believe people can change and I believe in second chances, but I also know that it doesn't apply to everyone. Some people make their choice and won't change. In that case, we have Elias and Andrius. Some people get away with too much, they're stuck in their ways, and so on.

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