Wedding day and curious baby cousin and brother

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Val's POV

This week has been lit!

After the whole entrance thing I got to know the family a little more and to say that they are a crazy bunch...

I am seriously getting deja vu vibes from Kane

Of course you do, remember Dario done the same to you

Oh yeah

All you have to do is handle it like a badass bitch you are

You're right

I'm always right *flips hair*

Woah *raises hands* let's not get ahead of ourselves here


You seem to be saying that quiet a lot

Wha- I mean psh


They are going to be staying here for like weeks, I think. Right now tears are about to be spilt because....



The 'here comes the bride' song thingie starts and there she is. Everyone gasps in awe at the beautiful bride. Her long white dress contrasts her beautiful skin that seems to be glowing, thanks to the sun. She needs no pounds of make-up or even little make-up at all because she is natural beauty. As she walks down the isle, some people from the guest look at her in envy, in jealousy and in admiration.

She walks to her future husband, smiling at him as he smiles at her. He is mesmerized by what he sees in front of him, just like a siren luring in a sailor by it's voice, he's in a trance by her beauty.

"Daily beloved, we are gathered here to unite...." The priest started but none of them listened as the couple were gazing into each other's eyes, their surrounding blur and no noise is heard

"Do you _______ take ______ to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked him

"I do" he responded with a smile

"And do you _______ take _____ to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest asked her

"I do" she responded with a smile

"I now pronounce y'all husband and wife. You may kiss your bride" and as the priest said that the he leaned into her for a kiss, a kiss that shows their love, a kiss that shows their bond and a kiss that seals their fate.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" A voice shouted, interrupting the wedding

You know that noise or sound that they make in movies when one of the characters were daydreaming and sound like a screeching sound of some sort, yes, no, well that's the sound that was made right now

She turned to see who it was and gasped

"What are you doing here? " She asked the man

"You are making a terrible mistake by marrying him" he responded and started walking towards them

"No I'm not" she argued

"You don't love him, you love me"
He said while holding her hands when he reached the newly weds

"No it's already too late. I am married now and we have a a future now, a family" she said while stroking her tummy

" NO! " The man cried out in pain, in anguish

Snap out of it dammit

I snapped out of the daydream that I was having and looked at my surroundings.

I was in my room with stuffed animals sitting on the floor and me wearing a short white dress, standing near my bed and oh did I forget to mention that I was carrying a bouquet of flowers. I know what y'all are thinking and are probably like 'bitch what the fuck'. The thing is it was my wedding day and I was marrying my bed and it would have been awesome until someone interrupted me.

I look at the door and see


My long lost love


Joking it was one of my brothers



He looked at me shocked as I was about to face plant into my bed.

"Why the fuck are you dressed like that and why were you about to kiss your bed?" He asked all these kinds of questions that are making my head hurt

"Can you just get out" I told him and he went away

I turned to my bed

"Okay, so, where were we?"


Right now we are all sitting in the living room and watching TV when suddenly I feel a tap on my leg. I looked down to see Izan and Alekai looking at me.

"Cuzzy Val" Alekai called me

"Yes cutie"

"Where do babies come from?"


Utter complete silence.

No one spoke a word.

"Uh, ask your mother" I told him and both of them went to tía Stephanie and asked her the same question


"Ask your dad"

"No ask your abuela"


"Ask your abuelo"


"No ask one of your brothers or cousins"

This went on and on until I have had enough

"QUIET!" I shouted and they jumped in surprise and shock

" I will tell them" I said and the boys came to me

" Wanna know where babies come from? " I asked and they nodded " well when two people are in love with each other, they soon get married and decide they wanna have kids " by now everyone was silent, waiting for my explanation.

I'm probably going to be grounded for life.

"I will make an example of your parent Alek" I took a deep breath as he nodded

"Your father puts his dick inside your mother's vagina and fucks her senseless then his seamen goes inside your mother and she gets pregnant then nine months later she pushes you out of her vagina" I quickly said that and the ones that were drinking something spat it out and the ones that were eating choked.

" What's a vagina? " Izzy asked

"Look under mom's dress and you will see"


And that ladies and gentleman is how I got grounded by my gorgeous mother

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