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Mateo Manuel Garcia
The oldest brother
Cold hearted, Don of the Spanish Mafia, felt bad about sending Val away, Misses her a lot, has a soft spot for Val

Alejandro Hugo Garcia
Second oldest brother
He hasn't talked much since Val left, he would lock himself in his room, he is the second command to the Spanish Mafia, Misses Val a lot

Santiago Pablo Garcia
Third oldest brother
He's the funniest of all the brothers, he likes playing pranks on all the brothers to fill the void of emptiness, Misses the pranks he and Val used to do, Misses her a lot, third command to the Spanish Mafia

Dario Albo Garcia
Fourth oldest brother
He's the wildest child of all the brothers, likes sleeping around, a troublemaker and badboy, Misses Val even though he doesn't want to admit it

Javier Thiago Garcia
Fifth oldest brother
He's the good child and the wisest of the all, he is quiet at first but once he opens up he talks none stop, Misses Val very much and wishes she was home

Valentino Alvaro Garcia
Val's twin brother
The sixth oldest brother
He has isolated himself from his family and only talks to his smaller brother, he hates his family for what they did to his twin sister, Misses her the most

Valentinus Hermosa Garcia
Tino's twin
Badass, troublemaker, intelligent, cold at first but is kind to those who deserve it, drives the principal mad and loves blowing up things

Izan Gonzalo Garcia
The youngest child
He is a fun child to hang out with, only talks to Tino, he misses Val a lot

Alexandro Marcus Garcia
The children's father
He regrets sending off his only daughter but has his reasons, misses her a lot

Mariana Gabriella Garcia
The children's mother
She also regrets sending her daughter away and misses her dearly

Well this is the Garcia family and how life is without Val

Remember to message me if you need anything

Later my psychos

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