Pranks and pregnancy tests

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Let the fun begin😈


Val's POV

2 weeks later

What a fun and crazy two weeks it has been. I got to know the gang more and I found out that we have a lot in common but I know that my most favourites are Ezra and Luciano.

Ezra is dating Marco #Cora and Luciano is gay which is a dream come true since I have always wanted a gay bestie.

Today we decided to prank my brothers, and well everyone.

I was sitting at the table with them and as planned, Ezra asked me a question

"Vee are you okay?" She asked concerned which was fake (but they don't know that)

"Yeah I am fine, why?" I frowned at her

"It's just that I have noticed that you have become pale and you were always running out of class or asking the teacher to go to the bathroom" she carried on

"Come to think of it, I have noticed that too" Javier said joining in. By now the conversation had cought everyone's attention.

"It's nothing" I said brushing them off and carried on eating my lunch which consists of tacos and about twelve of them.

Gotta keep the acting up

"So you eating to much lately has been nothing" Dario asked.

If it wasn't for this acting I would have punched him for calling me fat. (Not technically)

"Oh, you didn't know?" I asked them. Now time for the big finale

"Didn't know what?" he asked. I saw Ezra smirking discreetly.

"I'm pregnant" I shrugged my shoulders

Drop dead silence






"Guys that's ENOUGH" Ezra yelled for them to calm down and glared at the other people in the cafeteria staring at us. When they went back to minding their own business she asked

"Are you sure you're pregnant?" she asked and I nodded

Damn! We deserve Oscars for this

I took out the pregnancy test from my bag and places the stick on the table for them to see.

They all paled when they saw the 2 red lines.

They looked like they are about to feint. I looked at E and we both burst with laughter.

When we sobered up we looked at them to see them glaring at us

"That was not funny"

"You almost gave me a heart attack"

"Do you want to kill me at such a young age?"

"I'm sorry okay, but I find it funny that you people might think I'm pregnant" I apologized


Wait for it...


"Where did you get a positive result?" when Dante asked that they all looked at me.

I shrugged" I decided to have a little fun and peed on the stick" I said and woke up from my seat and right on time the bell rang.

"Wait, what?" Someone who I guess was Nikolai exclaimed and they all started shouting

E and I made our way out of the cafeteria and started laughing

"T-that...w-was...h-hilarious" she said while wheezing between her laughs.

I chuckled" it sure was"


This is only just the beginning of the journey filled with betrayal, secrets, and more secrets, action and of course, LOVE

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