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Vals POV

Two weeks later

After the dinner went down two weeks ago my family has been extremely kind, probably got scared and are curious as to what she said

I know you're probably wondering what happened that day. To answer your question I am not werewolf, I am one hundred percent human.

A year after my family sent me away, I was kidnapped and sent to a lab. The scientists did tests on me and I eventually became their lab rat. The school didn't inform my parents because the secret organisation(that what they call themselves) was able to convince the school that I was at home. Then I escaped when I was 9 years old with the help of my friend, Storm.

Now Storm is my subconscious more like my other half. When I'm angry she takes over and badda bing badda boom there is chaos. And ever since we have been best friends slash sisters

Aww I didn't know that you felt that way

You know that I love you Stormy

And I love you Fury

Yeah she calls me Fury. 

Back to the matter at hand.  I am going to fucking school.

Ugh fuck my life

girl at least we get to cause trouble where there are a lot of people and where do you get a lot of people at one place

At school?

of course dummy

Hey! I'm not a dummy

I sometimes wonder how you are this intelligent yet you are dumb

I think it has to do with my awesomeness *flicks hair*

okay enough of this nonsense and get ready for school

*gives salute* yes ma'am

With that I got ready and then went downstairs to eat breakfast with my amazing and loving family *note the sarcasm*

When I got to the table I muttered a good morning to them and went to sit down. As soon as I did the screaming and shouting started

"What the fuck are you wearing?"

"Go change"

"You are not going to school dressed like that"

And it went on and on until mom shouted at them

"She is wearing clothes and is going to school dressed like this whether you like it or not" the boys complained and I gave mom a gratefully look which she returned with a smile.

During those two weeks I have slowly been warming up to the family and we shall see where this is leading to.

After breakfast we got into the car and of course I called shotgun but Javier was not having it saying that he always gets shotgun.

After a little bickering I ended up winning and Javy whining. We arrived at school with the boys giving me a talk more like orders.

"Don't talk to boys"

"Don't look into their direction"

"Don't smile at them"

"Don't laugh with them"

"Guys aren't you'll boys?" I asked them and they all looked at each other then at me

"You can't talk to any boy except for us" that was Dario

Yeah he apologies for what he said and I forgave him and since then we have been close but not as close as I am to Tino and Izzy

"But Dari" I whined

"No buts" and with that said I kept quiet for the rest of the ride, listening to them telling me what not to do


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