Chapter Six- Zeke Fillmoore

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              There are not a lot of ways to get me to nearly crash my car but a text from my ex is definitely one. Not in a bad way! In a very good way, if there is a good reason to crash your car? Anyways, he texted me. 

              My heart begins pounding in my chest as I try to refocus on the road, passing by the fresh green light. The notification hit at the right time. I was parked. I don't commit crimes, especially not off duty but god I want to right now. This is the first time we have texted in years. I didn't even see the actual message but it's still a message. It's still him reaching out to me. 

            I need to catch my breath though. I can't have my heart failing on me too. Not after everything that happened last month. No more. 

             Alexis sits in the passenger seat, shoving her head out the window. She's eating the air as we drive which has been one of my favorite things about her. It's nice seeing her still acting like a puppy, especially after all the work she has to do during the day. 

             After I got my GED, I didn't want to go to college. I am not good at school. So, I tried the police force. By some miracle, I made it in. I've been on the force for nearly 13 years now and Alexis has been with me for about 15 months. When the trainer said I was getting her, I panicked. I'm terrified of dogs but knew I had to do it, especially with the amount of drug-related cases I've stumbled upon. Luckily, she's a big sweetheart. Right now, she's the only thing keeping me afloat. Her and that text I want to read so bad. 

            I pull into my driveway and it's like the heavens have opened up. Alexis backs away from the window so I can roll it up but I don't even do that. I don't even turn the car off. I grab my phone and begin reading his text. 

          Hey! I'm back in New York for the next two weeks as of tomorrow and I was wondering if you would want to meet up. Let me know! 

           I open up my texts with Morris and my fingers begin moving before my head. 

          Hey! I would absolutely love that! Long time no see!

          No. Absolutely not. I quickly delete that. I type dozens of versions before finally settling on one. 

           Hey! That sounds great! I'm free Saturday if you are.

           I close my eyes, counting down from three before pressing the send button and pocketing my phone. My heart keeps pounding though. He wants to see me. First time in years we will see each other face to face. 

         I roll down the window and take the keys out of the ignition. I climb out of the car, walk around to the passenger door and let Alexis climb out. 

          My phone buzzes in my pocket, sending a wave of adrenaline through my body. I need to wait until I get inside first. I can wait that long, right?

         I sprint into the house, following my waiting rule, and shut the door behind Alexis, who runs off to play with her toy. 

        Sure! That sounds great! How about at the old Chinese restaurant up the street from your house? I could really go for one of their egg rolls. 

        I smile. 

       I'd love that. 

       Seconds later, he replies. 

       Great! Sounds like a plan. See you at 5? 

        I take a deep breath and continue typing. 

        See you at five. 

         Oh my god. 

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