Chapter 15: Reunion

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Yang gripped her fists for the longest while and didn't want to tell about it, but had to. 

Yang: Vara, about Zack... he-

Vara: He's dead. I know... Raven told me. If anything, Cloud would be hurt more since they were friends ever since they were kids.... I'm just bummed out that Sephiroth's gone as well. Me and Cloud are the only ones left of Team SZVC. 

Yang: ... That was her, wasn't it? Back on the train. My mom. 

Vara: Yep, and you do look like her. 

Yang: What did she tell you?

Vara: ... She wanted me to not partake in Ozpin's teachings, because they would lead to many losses... And I'm starting to believe she was right and I've been left to question my place with everyone.... The enemy we're up against... Salem... Raven said that she's not to be reasoned with and not to go up against. She said that all hope was lost the moment Salem appeared and created the Grimm. 

Yang: ... Just what does she want?

Vara: Salem's looking for something called a relic, and I have no idea what that is. And she's looking for the Spring Maiden as well.... But that's not the only thing we should be afraid of.

Yang: Why? 

Vara: .. I want to talk about it to Qrow, if he's alright with it. 

Yang: Hey, Uncle Qrow would love to hear your questions. Trust me, he's a chill kind of guy. And a cool uncle, even though a drunkard. 

Vara: ... Not something I would hear. 

After refilling the motorcycle, the two continue to ride down towards the path and head to Mistral. Behind them however, Raven stood back watching as she was in her bird form. She then starts to fly right behind them and begin to follow. Although ahead of Yang and Vara, a bullhead was flying over towards Haven, with Cloud, Tifa, and Weiss inside. 

Tifa had controls of the bullhead while Weiss was on the seat next to her. Weiss looks back at Cloud as he was just standing against the wall, not batting an eye to either of them. 

Weiss: ... 

Tifa: Something wrong?

Weiss: No, it's nothing... I was wondering though. When did all of this happen? The Mako.

Tifa: ... Well, ever since the Fall of Beacon. A bunch of those reactors started to become operational. The Mako is also the essence of the planet, and what Atlas is doing... it's insanity. Sucking up all of the life on this planet just for their own benefits. *grips fists tightly* ... The same bastards that were involved during the Nibelheim Incident. 

Weiss: What happened at Nibelheim?

Tifa knew the truth of Nibelheim, since she was there with Vara, Cloud, and Zack. She saw Sephiroth's turn, so she made sure to keep Weiss and everyone in the dark about Sephiroth. 

Tifa: ... Too much of Mako was exposed from the reactor, and it caused several fires. We didn't know... A bunch of Grimm entered the village and almost killed everyone.... We fought them off for as long as we could, but... Sephiroth didn't make it. 

Weiss: How? He was one of Beacon's most powerful students ever... How could he die like that? 

Tifa: Mako Exposure. While fighting, it made his body break down and we were weak from it too. He fought them all off while he told us to recover inside Atlas Manor. All of the Grimm was gone, but he too was gone as well.

Weiss: ... 

Tifa didn't want to lie to her, but for Cloud's sake, she would try her best to never mention what truly happened to Sephiroth. By now, the bullhead arrives at Haven, as Cloud looks on towards the landscape ahead of them. Outside of the cabin, Qrow was just outside drinking his flask and looking on as the sunsets. 

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