Ch16 My second

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Cale centered his body after being slightly pushed back, and put some strength into his legs. He could hear the voice once again after taking another step.

- This restoration strength is useless. It is only capable of protecting myself. It is not helpful in any other way. I am a trash!

Cale ignored the cries of the old man that rang
through his mind. The power to protect himself
was most important to Cale. Who cares if it made him trash. None of it mattered as long as he could live.

Just five more steps. The center of the tornado
was right in front of him.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

The sound of the wind that was clashing became stronger. It was as if a human was punching the shield.

'It might break.'

Cale thought that the wind might now be strong enough for the shield to break. It should be doing more damage than just pushing him back now. The moment Cale thought that the wind might cut him, he realized something else as well.

- I did not die even when the wind cut me like a
sharp blade.

It was the fact that the owners of these ancient powers were all extremely chatty.

Cale immediately curled up and decreased the size of the shield. Boom Boom. The shield was now smaller, but in return, it was much stronger. It was able to push back an even stronger force of wind.

Cale reached out toward the transparent shield
and clenched the transparent handle on the inside of the shield as he continued to move forward

One step.

- Restoration is a cursed power.

Two steps.

- My heart was always beating. But I could not
move on.

Three steps.

- It was because I was afraid of death.
Four steps.

- I was afraid of pain because I had always been
injured, and I was even more afraid of death, the end of that pain

And finally.

Cale took the final fifth step.


The inside of the windless area sounded like it
was raining all around Cale. The eye of the storm. The winds were swarming the area outside this calm center. He could hear the old man's voice along with the sound of the wind.

- I chose to throw everything else away so that I
could continue to live.

That was the last thing the old man said.


'Who cares about anything else? Living comes

This old man had a lot of useless things to say.
Cale clicked his tongue and returned the shield
back to his heart. The silver light surrounding him instantly disappeared.

He headed toward the half completed rock tower and crouched down in front of it.

It was a normal rock tower that you could find at the top of a mountain.

However, all of these rocks were black. Just like the man-eating tree, these rocks that have existed since ancient times were different from normal rocks. Just like the wind surrounding this area.


Cale, who had been thinking about making it aesthetically pleasing, changed his mind. That would be too annoying. He took out a pair of gloves from his pocket and put them on before picking the rocks up to stack the rest of the rock tower.

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