Ch9 Kittens

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The first thing cale did today was buy some medical herbs and unseasoned chicken as he headed to the slums. He didn't like how the silver kitten was laying flat on the ground yesterday while surrounded by injuries.

He had found them in a small ally. The silver kitten growled at cale. He was trying to touch her after all. "Tsk stay still" cale still managed to catch her


The kitten showed her fangs and began hissing. The red kitten began to hiss as he was ready to jump cale.

Cale heard a familiar voice at that moment.

'Hmm? What is these cat tribe children doing here?'

Ho! These are beast people?! Cale started to treat her wounds. The silver and red kitten calmed down a bit after seeing what Cale was doing. They were still growling at the sky, which Cale figured out that they sensed the dragon up there.

After he was done. He placed the 2 bags on the floor. "I know you can understand me, there's food in here. suit yourselves"

'How cold~ I thought you'd feed them yourself~'

"Ha! Why should I when they can do that just fine. let's go"

"Pfftt sure~"

Cale immediately laid down next to hiera and snuggle to her sleeping figure when he arrived. Which of course earned a groan from the purple dragon.

"Haaa! Seriously?"

"Yes! I haven't seen my girlfriend in forever why shouldn't I?"

"Aigooo when can I be like that with my Goldie"

"Cecilia-nim, are you still drunk?"

"Ha! This punk. No, I'm not! And just call me Nonna! You're my child's boyfriend"

"Hmm, sure nonnim. there is something I must tell you"

Cecilia motioned with her chin for Cale to continue as she sat down on the couch.

"There is a 2 year old baby dragon that is currently being tortured"


"It's in the Stan Territory. You remember the secret organization I told you about, right? Well they have gotten their hand on a dragons egg and sold it to a noble there."

Cale thought that the dragons should handle this matter. It involved a dragon anyway.

Cecelia, the purple dragons eyes began changing. The temperature in the room got colder as well, it caused hiera to wake up and look at these two in confusion.

"Tell me more!" Cecilia's tone became serious. It was no longer the bubbly and carefree personality anymore. Which is understandable, a dragon, one of her own race was being tortured by a mere human!

Dragons may be selfish and be arrogant with each other. But they would never stay still if a baby dragon was being harmed in anyway shape or form.

No! It was a baby! A baby of her own race who was chained down by these fuckers! A baby who probably haven't ever seen the world!

Cecelia was mad. She was trying her hardest not to let her dragon fear out.

Cale thought that the marquis's was a crazy bastard.

'That bastard raised the crazy dragon.'

It definitely was a crazy dragon.

It was still just a baby dragon. That black dragon was being tortured by the Marquis's future successor in secret. They were training it to obey the Marquis's commands.

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