It's fine now

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- 5 years later -

- 5 years later -

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(Jungkook pov)

My life is going better and better since my little princess Comes in my life. She is mine daughter. Yes, mine and jihyo. At first, i don't agree to have child in our marriage because i don't love jihyo, we are just friend and i don't want to make things more difficult than they already does. But at the end, i agree because mine and her parents really want to have a grandchild. And about jihyo, she agreed to do it with me. but she respect my decision more.

jihyo never forced me to do something I didn't like. She understood me very well and to be honest, she is a really good wife. Sometimes i thought, she didn't deserve me. i want to love her the way she loves me. but something prevents that feeling from coming.

We at the beach right now, I take week off to spend time with my family. It's been a long time since I spending my time with my daughter and my wife.

I smile looking at my daughter and my wife running around in front of the ocean with loud laughter. They're was chasing each other. I chuckle at jihyo when she stop and pout because joehyin run faster than her.

"Princess! Don't make eomma sad, eomma can't run fast like you."
I shout at my daughter, teasing jihyo.
"Yah yah yah! I can run okeh? Look at me. Huhh wait for me you little beast! Im going to hunt you!"

She's start Chasing joehyin again. I chuckle , looking at them feeling so happy to just looking at their smile.
I was admiring my family and smile widely as i put my arms above my chest.i was chuckle at them but suddenly i stop because



That familiar soft voice called me from behind. My brain stop working. I scared to turn around because this voice was very recognizable. It was sweet same like old days.

I always admire this voice before and never get Tired listening on it. This same voice always make me calm, make me happy all the time. But also, because of that im scared to turn around facing the owner of the voice.

I couldn't find was it real or i just imagine things? But again

"Jungkook? That is y-ou right?"
She speak in a very low tone. crack could be heard at the end of her voice. I don't know why but my body react automatically when i confirm it was her.

And, i was right. She was here. my y/n. She smile sweetly at me even though she was crying.

there have some reason why i call her sweetie. She is the first and the last person i'll called sweetie.

Looking at her smile making me smile too. My eyes start to watery as i couldn't believe the sight in front of me right now. I search for her almost months after the engagement day.

I know i shouldn't. but i just can't get my ass seating peacefully when i know my sweetie is not okay. But i couldn't find her... My family start to stop me from searching for her because I'm Going to get married with jihyo.

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