johnny imagine

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i slipped my hair into a low ponytail, my hands were cold and almost felt like they were frozen. the snow was falling fast, i knew the blizzard the weatherman predicted was here. i was trying to get home as fast as i could. not before i had to walk past the lot.

i looked over and saw a boy, maybe 14, laying under a tree on an old car seat. he was covered in a blanket and had a worn blue jean jacket on. he was shivering, even i could tell from how far i was away.

"hey!" i yelled out. he sat up slowly, looking around to find the source of the noise. i walked over to him quickly and sat by him. the seat was cold, and i got a better look at his face.

"are you okay?" i asked. "you look like you're freezing half to death!"

"i am." was all he said in response.

"why aren't you inside somewhere? it's too cold out here. a blizzard is coming." i whispered.

"my folks don't want me." he said bluntly. "that's all."

i paused. my heart was breaking for this poor kid who was most likely the same age as me, 14. i did something my parents might think is dumb: invite him to come spend the night at my house.

"mom, please. it's snowing heavily outside now, there's no way he'd survive!" i said, standing with my mom in the kitchen. "just for tonight?"

she was disappointed. "what have i told you about talking to people you don't know? especially now? any person would take the chance to swipe you away, you pretty young thing!" she sighed.

"i know, i'm sorry." i whispered, wrapping my arms around my body. i looked towards the boy who was sitting on our living room couch. he was wrapped up in a warm, blue blanket but was still shaking. his lips were blue and his under eyes were purple.

"look at him, he looks awful." i said, pointing him out to my mom. she looked between me and him for a minute before lowering her head.

"fine. but just for tonight." she said. i smiled and got excited. "but, he stays in here on the couch. no being in your room. if he needs something he can come to me."

i nodded and thanked her. i returned to the living room and sat next to the boy. he looked terrified, unfamiliar with this new place.

"i never got your name?" i asked.

"johnny." he replied.

"well, johnny, my mom said you can stay the night." i smiled softly. "if you need anything you can go to her."

"she didn't sound so sure..." he whimpered. "if im too much of a hassle, i can leave."

i shook my head. "no, it's okay. don't worry."

he looked me in the eye for the first time. his deep brown eyes were set like a puppy's eyes. i knew he had fire in him though, i could see it. he had something there, something strong.

"my mom is gonna get you a pillow." i said. he was quiet for a while as my mom came from her room holding an extra pillow.

"here." she whispered.

"thank you. so much." johnny finally mustered up a smile. he finally seemed comfortable and able to talk.

"of course. now this is just for tonight." she turned to me. "no more bringing boys over, okay?"

i nodded.

i heard my door open quietly. i opened my eyes and read my alarm clock, 2:15 am. i saw johnny's figure standing in the doorway wrapped in the blanket. i leaned over and turned my light on to see him just waiting for me to notice him.

"i'm scared." he whispered.

"you're not supposed to come see me, remember?" i asked. he looked down, sadly.

"i'm sorry. i'm afraid of adults." he said. i nodded understandingly, scooting over in my bed.

"come lay with me then." i said. "just for a little bit, til you aren't scared anymore?"

"please?" he said, looking up and slowly walking towards my bed. he sat down and got under the covers, laying with his back towards me. he instantly fell asleep there.

when he rolled over in his sleep i was still awake. i looked at him and admired him for a moment. i moved the little piece of hair out of his face and kissed his forehead. i tried offering a sort of motherly love since he appeared to get none at home.

i laid back over onto my back and fell asleep, feeling johnny slowly wrap his arms around me. like i was a teddy bear.

"goodnight, johnny." i said quietly. he mumbled something in response, squeezing me like a hug.


word count: 801

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