dallas imagine

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I had grown up in Tulsa, and ever since I was a child, I had been close to Sodapop Curtis. We were best friends, always have been. Always will be. 

I had known the gang since forever as well, and everyone in the gang had the people they were closest to- Ponyboy, Dallas, and Johnny; and me, Sodapop, and Steve. Darry would tag along with us sometimes, but sometimes really means once every blue moon. He was more like a "dad" to us. He was older than us, and would let us crash at his house whenever we liked. He really was a good man.

I got along with all of them, including Darry. Well, everyone except for Dallas. For some reason, Dallas was always cold to me. He wouldn't listen to me, would talk over me, pretend Im not there, would even walk into me sometimes. Truth be told, I had feelings for Dallas. I have since I met him. I wouldn't say "love at first sight", because it definitely wasn't love. Now, get your mind out of the gutter because I don't mean lust either. It was just a crush. A fling. Something that should've gone away in a few days, at most. But it hadn't. And truth is-

I had no idea how much more I could take. 


"Hey Pony." I said, pushing the door in and walking into the Curtis house. "Soda home?".

Pony shook his head. "Nah, he's at work. But he gets off in about 20 minutes." He said, not once looking up from his book. I nodded and walked towards the kitchen, kicking my dirty Converse shoes off at the door. 

I rummaged through the cabinets, finally picking up a small china bowl and pouring some Cheerios into it. Stress eating, I guess?

"Whats up, Pony?" I heard Dallas in the other room. I internally rolled my eyes, continuing to eat my Cheerios with my fingers. I didn't bother using a spoon, I didn't want Darry to have to wash too much. As I would not being staying too long. I was only looking for Soda; my best friend out of the whole gang.

"Not much, man." Pony said, guessing he never looked up even for Dallas. I could tell by the way he spoke, because it sounded exactly the same as when he did for me when I talked to him.

"Im getting a snack." Dallas muttered, walking into the kitchen to face me. We made dead eye contact for only a moment before he continued to the cabinets. 

"What are you up to, Dally?" I asked, beginning to pick at my Cheerios instead of actually eating them. He didn't respond, instead just gripping the handle of the fridge and pulling it open. 

"Forget I asked." I whispered. He ended up slamming the door of the fridge, causing me to jump. I turned around to face him. 

"What is your problem, Dally?" I almost yelled. He slowly stood up and turned to me. 

"What do you mean?" That was the first time he's spoken to me in a while. I almost blushed- I never fight with people. 

"Dally, you ignore me all the time." I started. "You are so cold, so so cold. For no reason! What is it? What did I do?". 

"You exist." He plainly said. 

I paused. Pony was standing in the hallway facing us, holding the closed book in his hands. I looked back at Dallas, who was now facing me. 

"I exist? So you want me dead?" I asked, tears filling up at my eyes. I didn't want to cry. I didn't want the gang to see me weak, especially Dallas. 

"No." He said blankly. 

"So what do you want, Dally?" I asked, slamming my hands against the table. Dallas had reciprocated that same feeling, and slammed the plate against the table, causing it to break into little pieces. 

"Hey!" Pony said, running over and picking up the pieces. "If you're gonna fight, take it outside. Darry will kill all three of us.".

I stood up and stormed out, leaving Dallas and Pony alone in the kitchen. When I finally got outside I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I turned to see it was Dallas. 

"What do you want?" I finally stuttered out. Tears were spilling down my cheeks like melted ice cream on a hand. Dallas looked down and sighed. 

"Im sorry, y/n." He said. 

"For what?" I asked. 

"For being a dick." He started, rubbing his other hand on the back of his neck. He then grabbed my hand with the hand that was on my shoulder. "Truth is, I have feelings for you.".

I sighed, my hair falling over my shoulders. 

"Everything with Sylvia happened and I started shoving every emotion I had down. I didn't want to feel anything." He said. "When I started feeling things for you, I thought that shoving it down and ignoring the feelings- and you- I would move on and the feelings would go away.". 

A weak smile crept across my lips. "Oh, Dally." I said. 

"Im sorry." He said, removing his hand from me and shoving them in his pockets. I looked at him for a moment before leaning up onto my toes and kissed him gently on the lips. He had a look of surprise on his face, but he put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him and landed his lips perfectly onto mine. 

"I forgive you, dumbass." I whispered, a small giggled escaped my lips. 

"Will you be mine?" Dallas asked, for once, I could hear nervousness in his voice. I nodded and smiled when he pulled me into a tight hug, kissing my forehead. 

"Lets go to the diner, get some shakes." I said when Dallas finally let me go. He nodded and he took his hand in mine and we began walking towards the diner. 


go listen to my spotify playlist 


word count: 990

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