two-bit imagine

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Two-Bit and I were walking down the street. It was silent outside and all we could hear were locusts. The stones under out feet were making a crush noise with every step we took. Two-Bit and I had been friends for a long while, longer than I had been friends with the rest of the gang. Two-Bit and I had been best friends since we were kids, since I had moved to Tulsa when I was three. 

"Lets go sit on the swings, like we used to." Two-Bit said, motioning over to the rickety old swing set. I flashed a smiled at him and we began walking over to the swing set. 

When I turned 16, Two-Bit and I started losing touch. He met the gang and I had been left behind. I was upset, but happy he was making more friends. When we were 14, Two-Bit had started drinking and I would have a few drinks here and there. Unfortunately, Two-Bit still drinks like he's been an alcoholic for 40 years. I gave up drinking only a year or so ago. 

The only thing is that, I had feelings for Two-Bit. I always had, ever since we were able to grasp the concept of "crushes" and "love". Sometimes Two would flirt with me, but I never knew if it was just playful banter or real love. 

We slowly sat down on the swing seats, and the rusty old chains were grinding against each other. Every time we moved, the chains would make that annoying scraping sound in our ears. We sat in silence for a few moments, Two-Bit was holding a half empty bottle of whiskey in his right hand. He was just looking at the bottle, not drinking it. 

"Two?" I whispered, looking up at him. His eyes soon met mine- those blue eyes. You could get lost in them, it was like looking into the sky. There was a depth in his eyes, like many layers to his eyes. 

"What, y/n?" He asked, his voice was almost slurred. He was drunk, but honestly- when was he not drunk?

"Can I tell you something?" I whimpered, my voice getting more shaky by the second. I didn't exactly plan out how I'd tell Two I was in love with him, and had been for a long time. It was playing out better in my head than it was in real life. 

"Of course, y/n/n. You know you can tell me anything, Im your best friend." Two said, patting my back. The physical touch made me jump, but I loved it. I love his touch. Only from him. 

"Well..." I paused. "Honestly, I have been in love with you. For years. I can't even describe how I feel when you're around." I started using my hands to emphasize my point. 

"When we go out together to the DX or to the diner or the drive-in. How you hug me and talk to me like I am the only girl in your whole world. And, I know you probably don't feel the same for me, but I had to tell you." I said, looking back at the man in front of me. His lips were slightly parted and he looked between my eyes and lips. I could feel the tears pool up at my eyes, I wanted to cry or scream, part of me also wanted to lean in and kiss him. 

"Oh, y/n.." He smiled, noticing the tears pooling at my eyes and my cheeks were red. He placed his hands on my cheeks and leaned in, connecting our lips. I felt so much relief when he finally kissed me. That little piece of his greased brown hair was brushed against my forehead, continuing to kiss me softly. 

"I always loved you, y/n." He finally broke away from my lips, but we were only an inch apart. I smiled and kissed his lips one more time. Normally, I hate alcohol, but the whiskey on his breath when I kissed him was intoxicating. 

He was intoxicating. 


word count: 676

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