two-bit imagine

39 1 6

this is a requested imagine from mickey-rat


I looked at the clock while messing with the zipper on my black leather jacket. The clock read 2:45 pm. Only 5 more minutes left and I was out of here. I don't mind school, and Two-Bit and Dallas find me crazy for it. Speaking of Two-Bit, I have to plan my next prank. 


October 2, 1965

It was only April or so when I moved here; so the temperature was about to go down. It was mid-October, and we were taking a test in my last class, Geometry. I knew I would ace it, because I was as smart (or maybe even smarter) as Pony.

I still remember how I met the gang. I was walking to the drive-in, not looking to pay to get in, so I found a hole under the fence and slid underneath it. All I had on was a pair of skinny, ripped blue jeans, and a black tank top that was tucked in; revealing my gorgeous dark skin. I have deep brown skin that shines under the sun. Mom said I look like a model and could land any man I wanted. My hair was split down the middle in braids that fell over my thin shoulders, one side being as black as night and the other as pink as cotton candy. I had gotten seated, and was taking a sip from my coca-cola, when a few boys sat behind me. I paid no mind to them, simply pulling one of my braids back over my shoulder that had fallen onto my back. 

"Look who we have here." One of them said. I instantly knew they were referring to me, as I was the only girl sitting here. 

"Who?" The other one said. I quickly turned around to face the three boys. Two of them were tall, both with dark brown hair. One of them had their hair slicked back, while the other two left it untouched. I caught a glimpse of the one on the far left seat, he was smaller and looked like a lost puppy. He was tan, with dark black hair and a scar on his cheek. 

"Can I help you?" I muttered, a small smirk spreading on my face, revealing my dimples that were on equal sides of my face. 

"Can I interest you in a refreshment?" The tallest, brown haired one said. I slowly lowered my head, shaking it. 

"Sorry, boys. Unfortunately, you're too late. I've already died of dehydration." I smiled, revealing my teeth that were covered by a small wired retainer. "Want a ticket to my funeral?".

I heard two smaller boys snicker while the one who asked rolled his eyes. "Im Dallas, that's Ponyboy and Johnny." He finally introduced himself and the two others. 

"Im Vivian." I smiled again. They all returned smiles except Dallas, and soon enough he had gotten up to get concessions. 

"So, your name is really Ponyboy?" I giggled, not trying to make fun of him. I tend to laugh at things I shouldn't. I guess Im one of those people who will always laugh at the most inappropriate times. Ponyboy nodded and smirked. 

"Got a brother named Sodapop." He smiled at me. "Says so on his birth certificate.". 

I nodded before shivering. It was quite a bit more chilly here than it was where I grew up. 

"Ya cold?" Johnny asked. That was the first time I had heard him talk all night, and he's got a nice voice, I can't lie. 

"Yeah." I muttered. "But I live like a five minute walk from here, I'll live.".


September 28, 1965

"Did you hear when I put battery acid in Darry's coffee the other day?" Two-Bit asked, obviously drunk. Soda and I perked our heads up at the exact same time. 

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