"Taelon!" Nyra declared laughing as she stared at his ass descending into the water.

"Come on love, no one is going to see you - and if they do, so what? You're perfect and gorgeous and I pity anyone who isn't me and doesn't get to bask in your naked beauty." Taelon declared. 

"You're not helping." Rhaenyra remarked glancing around.

He grinned, squinting in the bright sunlight, bobbing up and down in the water so that it splashed up past his chin. And then he cupped his hands around his mouth and started yelling.

"Take it off! Take it all off!"

"Shut up!" Nyra begged, she looked around to see if anyone heard him and kicked some water into his face, laughing when he dunked himself trying to turn away.

Nyra groaned in resignation and untied her dress, holding her arm across her chest as she tugged the top off and dropped it as it bunched at her hips. She expected Taelon to give her a disapproving look for covering her breasts, but he was still grinning approvingly from his vantage point a few yards away, peeking at her over the surface of the water like an alluring male mermaid watching a shy human try to take a bath. His hand came up again to point at the dress

"Take it off." He hooted back at her. 

She gave him a pleading look but he was slowly shaking his head, motioning downward with his finger, demanding more.

"Off. All the way. Off."

She dropped her head back and groaned miserably. He was going to win as always through sheer dominance and her determination to rise to any challenge hurled her way a determination she was beginning to suspect he was taking unfair advantage of, but she loved it all the same.

"It's so bright, anyone could see!" Nyra countered. 

"Get in here." Taelon demanded. 

She could do this, though. It was easy, Taelon seeing her naked was nothing new but anyone, anyone walking by could. She quickly hooked her thumbs into the dress clinging to her hips and slipped them down her legs, stepping out and dropping them to the sand. Taelon's eyes dropped with them and then slowly inched back up, his grin growing wider as his gaze hit each bit of her now completely exposed self. 

 "Gorgeous, baby," he said approvingly. "Now come here."

She eyed the water suspiciously. Taelon moved toward her till he was chest deep.

"If you're not in here in three seconds I'm going to whistle."

"You wouldn't."

"I would. Why would you want to stand out there, fully exposed, when you could be in here with me, hidden discreetly in this lovely warm water?" Taelon taunted. 

Before she could respond he raised his fingers to his mouth and let off a shrill, ear piercing whistle.

"You ass!" Nyra declared as she ran into the water and was almost to Taelon when the bottom suddenly dropped away, much quicker and sharper than she had expected, and she went straight under like a stone. He pulled her above the surface as she sputtered and grabbed frantically at him, finding his neck in her blind flailing and latching onto it while she coughed and choked in his face.

 She was hanging off his front with her legs wrapped tightly around his middle when she finally caught her breath 

"There, see? What did I tell you, the water's nice and warm." Taelon whispered kissing her neck. 

"You're a jerk." Nyra whispered leaning into him. She glanced back at the guards moving along the edge of the wall. "You want everyone seeing my ass?" 

"You and Tommen want in our fun. I needed to make sure you were ready for that."

"But trying to humiliate me?" 

She gave him a hard bite on the collarbone to let him know she wasn't happy with his little joke. He dunked her under the water up to my chin in a thinly veiled threat to behave.

"Tael!" Nyra demanded wrapping her legs tighter around him.

"Be a good girl Nyra," Taelon whispered with an authoritative tone to his voice that made her shiver. "Spanking a wet bottom hurts much worse than anything I've ever given you before."

He loosened his grip, letting her slide down until her underside was rubbing against the hair on his lower belly. She hugged onto him tighter with her arms and legs. The warm water caressing their skin was wonderfully soothing and insanely arousing and she found herself very purposefully rubbing on him... he chuckled a hand trailing along her spine. Her eyes drifted closed, as his lips met her neck.  when she opened her eyes he was watching her with a wicked little grin.

"Keep going." He whispered kissing her neck again. 

His hand slipped down between them and his fingers began stroking her, she lay against his chest with her head on his shoulder, just letting him give her pleasure as the warm waves lapped softly against them. 

 He slipped himself into her and positioned one arm under her ass to move her up and down on him, lifting and lowering her effortlessly in the weightlessness of the sea... it was pure heaven and she forgot that they were out in the open for anyone who cared to look and see them in all our public-lovemaking glory.

All she cared about was him.

Labyrinth // Rhaenyra Targaryen (1)Where stories live. Discover now