Part 8

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I'm so sorry about uploads I will finish this book then Finish I'm a god


Scar thought Grians's friends would want him back so he snuck out to find them turns out they thought he would want to find him too.


 "Ow ," Scar and Mumbo moaned after hitting their heads. " sorry ," they said in unison. Scar saw four mer-fish in front of him.

 "What are you doing here ?" Xisuma asked him, "most likely the same reason as you , Grian." Scar replied rubbing his head.

"Scar !" A new voice said , "what on God's blue earth are you doing ?" Scar recognised cub's voice and turned around to see his four friends staring at him. "Uh -ummm ," He stared off. " He was helping us get our friend back , " Ezra butted in , " and if your not okay with it then leave . "

 "Fine you know what we'll help we love a good old fight, but scar your dead after this ." Scar frowned.

All nine looked up the boat was above them but they were far enough down not to be caught. " Let's do this then ." Mumbo had a new found confidence. They were ready.

~~~ With Grian ~~~

Grian woke up his head was throbbing in pain. When he realised he was not in the ocean any longer be was sitting in a look of water in what was most likely a ship.

 He heard panicked voices above him and banging on the side of the walls. what was going on ?

~~~ Above deck ~~~

 " we caught another captain ," A man with blue hair said. "Nice work Jevin ," the captain chucked " Let's see em then , " the captain did not expect three Mer-Sharks and three mer-fish in his net. He also didn't expect for them to jump out the net and start attacking the crew.

 On the side of the ship Scar, Cub and Xisuma were trying to break the ships walls when they finally did they saw a confused Grian sitting in a pool of water.

 "Grian ," scar called. He looked up to see scar Xisuma and scars friend.

 He got up and went to the crack and swam through. "Thank you all ," he smiled scar and X smiled and even cub smiled. 

Six mer-people jumped into the water blood around their mouths. Most of them grinning and high giving each other, most because mumbo was practically drunk. But the blood, it smelled human ???

 "Well scar I didn't expect this from you ," cub began " you United kingdoms well done ." 

 "Grian I need to tell you something ," Scar started " ever since I met you I have had a huge crush on you and I think, I love you ."

 "Scar, I feel the same way ," and they kissed. The others were mostly shocked but we're all clapping. The end.

~~~ Zooms out ~~~

Joel closes a book "And that was the legend of sharks and fishes ," " I remember it well . " Lizzy says to you "bye now ," they say in unison .

Sharks and fishes | hermitcraft / scarianWhere stories live. Discover now