Part 2

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After the feeding frenzy was over doc, mumbo, Ezra and Xisuma hurried out calling grian's name.

 "Grian ," " Grian where are you ," "Grian it's not funny ," " please come out ."

After an hour of searching pointlessly they realised the sharks had got them and had to return home. Sad, lost and scared they wanted him back they needed him back.

~~~ With the sharks ~~~

Scar was worried for himself for this mer-fish and for his fish friends. He was worried that the others would think he was a scaredy-catfish. He was worried for the mer-fish because of his bump and the fact of probably going to be eaten. And he was worried for his fish friends they must be so scared their friend had just been taken by sharks.

He was always a little nervous when eating fish but now more than ever.

That's when Cub began, "so a mer-fish that's new for you isn't it, " he smiled. "That's why you get to do what you want with him, except let him go if course ." This made him curious.

"What do you mean cub ?" Scar asked. "Well we can eat him, We can bargain him or we can just keep him in the coral trap ," Scar was curious. "What dose bargaining him mean ?" "Well ," bdubs began. "We can keep him and say to the rest of the mer-fish that we want. Umm, 50 fish in return of giving him back ." "So what will it be ?" Cub said.

 "Let's bargain him ," Scar sighed, It was better than nothing. "Help me move him then ," cub looked at scar. And opened the sharks jaw containing the mer-fish. Scar picked up the boy in his arms he was surprisingly light. He followed cub down to the coral.

Cub used all his strength to open the coral, there no way he was getting out of there. Let alone calling for help. Scar laid the boy down and swam out of the coral as cub closed it. "Make sure he doesn't escape scar i'm counting on you ," Cub shouted as he swam off.

Scar sat back on a nearby rock and watched the boy he thought he was cute. Wait what, did he just say he was cute. No he can't, he's not cute well... No. Scar got extremely flustered with his thoughts but quickly noticed the mer-fish was waking up so he got off the rock and got closer.

Grian awoke he was scared the last thing he remembered was bumping into a shark. How was he in what looked like a cage but he clearly couldn't get out. He looked over and spotted a Mer-Shark he was more curious than scared since he was trapped and asked, "wwh-her-e amm i-ii-i ?" Stuttering in his fearful state.

 The Mer-Shark looked a little nervous and replied, "your in a shark den ." He looked embarrassed almost. " Am I going to die ?" Grian asked the cute shark boy, Wait what.

 " No, luckily not I couldn't eat you , " Scar said. "Why not ?" The curious fish asked. " Well would you eat a fish ," Grian was shocked. " No there only half of me ." "Same answer ," Scar said as he swam off. Leaving Grian confused.

A/ n

568 words :

I was listening to music an may I say: John at the bar 🍸

Sharks and fishes | hermitcraft / scarianNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ