Our First Contest: Opposites Attract Attention (Deadline May 1st 2011)

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So, if I were independently wealthy and not a working stiff with a family to support then I would give out fabulously eccentric prizes! Instead – you get contests like this (our very first!) with a 10$ Amazon gift card as a prize. I like Amazon because you can buy books there and also I can give you your prize without needed your home address which is wonderful for everyone.

Contest: Opposites Attract Attention

Write one scene (please limit it to one or two word document pages in length). In this scene there will be two characters, completely opposite from each other in some (or many) ways. Creatively, share as much as you can about their personality and their differences within this scene. Tip: you should not  have to spell it out for us, use descriptive detail, dialog, actions, etc. These are any two people, doing anything you want, anywhere you want – so you are limitless!

The judge is me, myself and I (all three of us, so there will be no ties) and the winner will be posted here in Watt’s Happening in an edition dedicated to them as well.

Deadline:  May 1st at Midnight

The one and only way to submit: send it to me in e-mail (do not post it anywhere else until the contest ends and do not use something you wrote a long  time ago only new material will be accepted)


Got a Watty friend you think would love this contest, please by all means, tell them about it!

Good Luck!

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