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Omniscient Pov

"Yanyria we're home!" Yvette yelled walking into the house.

"Yanyria!" She yelled again but there was no response.

She walked upstairs into her bedroom, but there only laid baby Daylen.

She checked the bathroom and there was Yanyria on the floor with a prescription bottle and brown liquor next to her.

"Oh my god Yanyria!" She yelled picking up the prescription bottle.

"Jared!" She yelled in distress.


He ran upstairs quickly.

"Call an ambulance Jared!" She screamed.

"Yanyria baby come on." Yvette said crying.

(Scene switches)

Yanyria laid on the ambulance stretcher as they sucked the pills out of her system.

She coughed.

"Yanyria." Yvette said crying.

(Scene switches)

"You should've let me die ma why you didn't let me die." Yanyria screamed crying.

"No Yanyria no don't you talk like that." She said.

"Why would you tried to kill yourself?"

"Cause I'm tired!" "I can't take this shit no more!"

Yvette and Jared held Yanyria in their arms.

"From postpartum to Dayvon and Tyson it's too much!"

"It's a lot that I go through that I don't even talk about.. I just feel alone."

"Yanyria why don't you talk to us?" "We're your parents."

"I don't feel like I can."

"I just wanna be happy that's all mom I wanna be happy."

"Well baby you need to find that happiness within yourself before finding it in someone else."

"Take time to love yourself."

"I'll step out and let you have this conversation." Jared said.

"Momma I don't know how to love myself anymore.. I gave all of my heart and self love to Dayvon."

"It's possible to take it back."

"The longer you don't set boundaries and continue to give yourself away to him the more power he has over you."

"You gave him your mind then your body then your heart and soul." "You gave him the most important thing in the world."

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