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I had headaches after headaches I was tired all the time for the next few days.

"Yanyria yo appointment is tomorrow so prepare yo self." Jatavia said.


"My head hurts s..so bad."

"I feel drained."

"That's how pregnancy make you feel." She said propping my pillow."

"You been hearing from Dayvon?"

"No we haven't talked since the last time me and you went over there."

"Hmm pathetic ass nigga." She said.

"Is it going to hurt?"

"You probably gone feel cramping and nausea."

"Jatavia I'm scared and feel guilty like I'm doing the wrong thing."

"I know you feel like that at the moment and I ain't gone lie and say you ain't gone feel like that afterwards.. but you not doing the wrong thing."

"You protecting your future.. like I was saying in the car Dayvon don't want nothing to do with this baby that's why he insisting you get an abortion."

"You don't want be pregnant from nobody that's willing to give you money for an abortion."

The Next Day...
People stood in front Planned Parenthood protesting.

"Why they out here?" I asked.

"Just don't even pay attention to them Yanyria.. everybody not gone agree with you." She said.

I got out the car nervously walking to the door.


"Don't do it!" Somebody else yelled.

"Bitch shut up!" Jatavia yelled.

I walked in the door to women sitting everywhere.

"How can I help you today?"

"Hello I'm checking in for my appointment for 2:00."

"What's the name?"

"Yanyria Johnson."

"Confirm the date of birth and phone number."

"July 8, 2002."


"And do you have a parent or guardian with you to sign the consent form?"

"I'm her guardian."

"Can I see your ID?"

"Yes." Jatavia said handing it to her.

"You're her?"

"Sister, she lives with me."


1 Hour Later...

"Last name Johnson.. Yanyria Johnson."

"Go ahead." Jatavia said.

"You can't come with me?"

"No Yaya that goes against Patients privacy policy."

"I'm scared."

"Last name Johnson!"

"I'm right here I'm sorry."

"Okay Yanyria this room right here for examination then we'll get started with the procedure."

She closed the curtains and handed me a hospital gown.

I could hear protesters yelling.

"Can they see me?"

"No of course not."

"Okay .. I'm just a little nervous about this that's all."

"All women that come here are."

"It's okay to be nervous about things sweetie.. but remember you're doing what's best for you."

"How old are you?"


"Most of our patients that come are around your age."


"Sometimes their parents make the decision for them other times it's because they realize they have a whole life ahead of them."

"So I'm not wrong for this decision?"

"You're never wrong for doing what's best for you."

"I was once where you are I was seventeen." "I realized it wasn't worth my health or my life to have a baby with an older guy who told me he wouldn't take care of me or his child."

"So I made the decision to terminate my pregnancy because I felt like it was the right thing to do.. I was emotional about it I cried for days but I realized it was worth the wait."

"I pursued my dreams first and now I'm married with two beautiful children."

"Thank you for talking to me."

"You're welcome it's my job to make you feel comfortable."

"Remember it's your body don't let anyone tell you what to do with it."

30 Minutes Later ...

"Okay we're going to give you ibuprofen to relieve any pain you have."

"How do you feel?"

"Nausea and I have really bad cramps."

They gave me medication to help with the bleeding and nausea.

I walked out to Jatavia.

I couldn't control myself from crying.

"C'mon.. it's alright YaYa." She said walking me out the door in her arms.

"Abortion is murder!" Someone yelled.

"Jatavia can we hurry up and get out of here."

At home I tossed and turned crying in bed.

"Yaya." Desirae said knocking at my door.

"Come in."

"I got some of your favorite snacks."

"I'm not hungry Des." I said sniffing.

"Well you can save them for later.."

She held me in her arms.

"I feel so bad for what I just did I feel so much guilt."

"Yanyria you made a decision FOR YOU and your well being."

"I know you probably wanted to keep the baby but don't feel bad okay .. we have our whole life ahead of us."

"God gonna bless you with another kid in the future."

"After what I just did?"

"Ion think so Des.. I feel like God upset with me if anything."

"Pray on it  God knows his children makes mistakes we not perfect."

"What Dayvon said?"

"He just gave me money for an abortion and sent me on the way."

"Talked all that bullshit about how we don't need a baby right now."

"Basically the same thing you saying."

"I could have kids in the future and I'm in school and I'm young all this shit.. he just didn't care."

"If he felt this way why he impregnated me?"

"I feel used.."

"Cause that's what he did he told you shit to make you like him and brought you things just to see how far he could get with you."

"Can you hand me that trash can?"


"It's okay." She said patting my back.

"It's okay."

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