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Dayvon didn't get in until early in the morning.

I tried getting up but he wrapped his arm around me.

"Where you going?" He asked me.

"I have to get ready for school.."

"What time it is?"

"6:50. I have to be to school by 8:00."

After I prepared myself I did my final touches in his mirror.

He sat up and watched me.


He shook his head.

"You ain't look like this yesterday that's all."

"Well I'm trying to get myself together like you said to and stop worrying."

I grabbed my keys and he got up.

He grabbed my arm making me jump.

"Dayvon I need to go to school." I said nervously.

"I'm taking you."

"Dayvon you don't have to.. I have my own car."

"I'm not asking you I'm telling you."


YaYa's First Period
The bell rung and I was a few minutes late to class because of how far Dayvon's condo is.

I knocked at the door.

"Cameron open the door for me." My aunt Jazz said.

"Good morning Yanyria nice to have you back in class."

"Good morning."

I sat down in the desk next to Tyson.

"Okay class I know this is history but today I wanted to switch it up a little bit with theory of knowledge." My aunt said.

"How much of the world do you think you know?" "Give me a percentage."

"Yanyria give me a percentage.. how much do you think you know about the world?"

"I don't have a percentage."

"Why don't you?"

"Because we don't know enough about the world to try to put it into a percentage."

"There's just too much to know and understand."

"What?" Taurus asked.

"No Taurus Yanyria is actually correct .. there's too much in our world that we don't know to try to put what we do know into a percentage without biases that is."

"Okay this question might ruffle some feathers."

"Who cheats more men or women?"

"Females." All the boys said.

"That's a lie dudes definitely cheat mo then girls." Caresha said.

"Caresha please." Tyson said.

"Everybody know females cheat more it's either because he a street dude or got money." He said.

"What money gotta do with anything Tyson?" Caresha asked.

"Trust me I know." He said.

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