Chapter 10: For Her

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Welcome to the last chapter of An Amesame Story. It has been so fun writing this story, and as you know, there will be a continuation of this story in the next story called A BaeRyS Story. Now, lets get started with Chapter 10. Love you all and thank you so much for supporting me and what I create. I hope you enjoy.



As I fall to the ground, I look at my lover with tears in my eyes. Suddenly, she reaches her hand out to me in desperation, and shouts with all her might, as tears fall from her face. "AME!! SAVE ME!!!!"

I'm speechless. But that's the least of my problems right now. I need to save her! I try to get up, but the guards hold me down. I'm forced to watch in horror as my lover is taken away from me, she's dragged into the sea. The body guards release me, and follow suit, as I'm left alone on the wintery beach. I fall to my knees, and sob. "If only there was something I could-"

I stop and feel around for my pocket watch. I can go back in time over and over again until I can save her! I should've done this to save Gura from getting hit by that damn car! I grab the watch, and time travel back by 5 minutes. Doing this will most likely get me arrested by The Council of Ame's, but I don't care. I need to save her, no matter the cost.

I feel myself flow back in time, just as I see a bodyguard's fist approaching my face. I fail to dodge it and I'm pinned down and once again, watch as Gura is forcefully taken away again. Thus, I jump back in time again, and this time dodge the punch, but the second bodyguard manages to slam me into the sand. I travel again, and again. Until I will be able to know the exact movements the bodyguards will take. My body can't handle rapid jumps before I begin to feel adverse side affects, but I'll do it for you, Gura. I'll do it until your in my arms. Until finally, I'm able to predict the guards movements perfectly, and I'm able to knock them out.

"Let. Her. Go." I heave, as blood pours from my body. I don't know how many times I went back, but I know that I don't have the energy to do it again.

Gura's father sighs. "You're the time traveler, aren't you?"

I remain silent.

"How many times did you rewind just to defeat my guards?"

"I... lost count after....50...." I reply barely breathing.

"Your a monster. I hate you!" Gura snarl's and bares her teeth. Her father looks shocked and saddened by her comment leading to him releasing his grip on Gura.

Gura rushes to me, and we lock eyes. "This isn't over yet." I say.

"I never wanted this. I never wanted to drive our family apart. Why didn't I listen to him?"

"If you didn't want this, then who sent you!?" Ame yells.

"I did." A sudden voice speaks, as a woman immerges from the ocean. She dawned white hair with blue and red streaks, and had one red eye, and one blue eye.

"Mom?" Gura says in disbelief. She looks around, taking in the surface for the first time. "This is the surface? What a pathetic place."

"That's your mom?!"

"I am Aquaria, Queen of Atlantis. Kneel before me, worms."

"I've known you for 5 seconds and I already want you to shut up." I say.

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