Chapter 2: Cotton Candy and Kisses

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Hey all! Sorry for the delay! Have had a busy month at college and finals are coming up. I worked really hard on this, and I hope you enjoy this chapter! 



"Thank you for your advice Itashi." I say to my niece as Kiara, her, and I walk down the street towards our home, groceries in hand.

"Mhm!" Itashi cheerfully says, her face covered in ice cream.

"Itashi, you have ice cream on your face." Kiara says in a caring fashion as she grabs a hanker chief from her purse and cleans Itashi.

Suddenly, my phone rings. Seeing that it's Ina, I answer my phone. "Hey Ina. We're on our way back from the store with some medicine for Ame." I say.

"Gura, Ame has been poisoned." Ina says. "We're taking her to the hospital now."

"...what?" My face turns pale. "We're on our way right now!"

"What's wrong Gura?" Kiara asks.

"Ame's been poisoned. Ina and Calli took her to the hospital." I say as my mind goes wild with fear.I feel a warm hand pat my head. I can't help but wag my tail at the sensation.

"It's okay,  Gura." We'll drop this stuff off at home and you go to the hospital." Kiara says.

"Are you sure?" I ask. She and Itashi envelop me in a hug of passion.

"Mhm, go Gura. If you need me, you can call anytime." Kiara responds.

I smile. "Thank you both." I say as we end the hug. I give the groceries to Kiara, and I sprint to the hospital. My mind races with memories of Amelia as I run, adrenaline coursing through my veins and panic spreads like a cancer. I stop to catch my breath in the middle of the park where I suddenly feel like someone is watching me. Pushing through the feeling, I catch my breath and continue to run.


I finally find myself in front of the hospital, completely out of breath after running for 15 minutes. I step into the hospital and approach the receptionist.

"Hello, how can I help you today?" She says passionately.

"need... water..." I say out of breath.

She points down the hall at a water fountain. Not my preferred source of water but it's better then nothing. I walk to the water fountain and gulp down water.

"Ahhhhh that's so much better. Anyways, I'm looking for an Amelia Watson. I believe she was taken to this hospital a little while ago."

"One second little one." She says as she types on your computer. She's in room 1337."

"Thank you so much!" I say. "And I'm not a little one! I'm over 9,000 years old." I pout.

"That's great dear. Would like a lollipop?"

"Hmph! No thank you!" I say as I walk away. I hesitate and I run back and grab a lollipop and hear the receptionist giggle.

After a long walk up some a lot if stairs, I finally reach room 1337. I knock and open the door. "Ame?" I say. I spot three figures in the room. Ina, Calli, and a pale Ame breathing on the bed. Tears form in my eyes as I see her.

"Oh god!" I say as I shakily drop to my knees next to the bed and cry. Grabbing Ame's hand and holding it tightly.

"Gura..." Ina says as she and Calli hug me.

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