𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓧𝓥𝓘

Start from the beginning

The conversation was interrupted as Captain Levi arrived on his horse, his commanding presence capturing everyone's attention.

" Assemble !". Gunther ordered, and we all gathered around Captain Levi.

" Get ready to leave". Captain Levi stated, his voice cutting through the air like a blade.

" Yes, sir !". Gunther and Eld replied in unison, their discipline evident.

" Good morning, Lance Corporal Levi !". Eren greeted.

" Hello, Captain". I said, acknowledging his presence.

The Captain nodded, acknowledging our greetings," Listen, Estella, Eren. Stay within two horses of me. Don't forget the only reason you're not locked up is that I'm supervising you two".

" Yes, sir !". Eren replied, and I nodded in agreement.

" Let's go". Captain Levi ordered, and we rode through the night towards the place where the proclamation of the 104th Brigade of cadets would take place.

As we rode, the night enveloped us, and the stars twinkled in the dark sky above.

When we arrived at the grand plaza where the proclamation of the 104th Brigade of Training was to take place, anticipation filled the air. The stage was adorned with the emblem of the Survey Corps, and standing atop it was Commander Erwin Smith, flanked by a group of seasoned soldiers. Among them was Petra.

" I'm Erwin Smith, the Commander of the Survey Corps," Commander Erwin's voice echoed through the plaza, commanding everyone's attention." Today, you'll decide where you'll enlist. To be blunt, I'm here to recruit soldiers for the Survey Corps. I'm sure the latest Titan attack has made you fear the Titans and recognize the limits of your strength".

The crowd listened intently, their faces a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.

" However, through this battle, mankind has made unprecedented progress in its struggle," Commander Erwin continued." The keys to this progress are Eren Jaeger and Estella Potter. Their willingness to risk their lives for mankind signifies their unquestionable allegiance to us".

A murmur rippled through the audience as they exchanged puzzled glances. The mention of our names had sparked curiosity and confusion.

" Furthermore, not only did they allow us to stop the Titans, but Eren Jaeger also provided us with a way to unveil the Titans' mystery !". Commander Erwin declared, emphasizing his point.

The recruits' faces displayed a mix of awe and bewilderment, unsure of what to make of this revelation.

" In the basement of his home in Shiganshina District lies the secret of the Titans, unknown even to him. If we can just reach that basement, we might find a clue that will aid us in overthrowing the Titans' century-long rule !". Commander Erwin proclaimed, his voice brimming with determination.

" We're that far ahead ? If we figure them out, we could win". I overheard a recruit whisper in amazement.

The Commander paused for a moment, his gaze sweeping across the crowd, ensuring that his words resonated with each recruit.

" We aim to reach that basement in Shiganshina District. But to that end, the recapture of Wall Maria is crucial. In other words, our goal hasn't changed. But now that Trost District's gate is unusable, we'll have to go around from Calaneth District in the east".

The recruits listened attentively, their eyes fixed on Commander Erwin as he explained the intricate details of our upcoming mission.

" The military route we spent four years preparing has been rendered useless. During those four years, we lost more than sixty percent of our men. Sixty percent in four years... It's an absurd figure". Commander Erwin stated solemnly, the weight of loss evident in his voice.

The recruits exchanged glances, realization dawning on them about the magnitude of sacrifice required.

" Those of you who join us will participate in an expedition a month from now, in which the predicted mortality rate is thirty percent. Most of you will likely die in four years. However, if you manage to survive, you'll be an elite soldier who can overcome all odds". Commander Erwin explained, his words hanging in the air, heavy with the truth of the situation.

The courtyard grew silent as the recruits contemplated the Commander's words, their faces reflecting a mix of determination and uncertainty.

" If you are still willing to endanger your lives with us, remain here. Please, ask yourselves: Are you capable of offering your lives for mankind ?". Commander Erwin's voice reverberated through the plaza, challenging the recruits to confront their innermost convictions.

Well aware of the immense risks ahead, I wondered if many would join the Survey Corps after hearing such stark truths.

" That is all. Those of you who wish to enlist elsewhere may leave". Commander Erwin announced, his gaze sweeping across the diminishing crowd.

I watched as many recruits made their way to the exit, including Annie, who slipped away quietly. A pang of disappointment surged through me, for I had hoped to speak with her before she departed. Perhaps writing her a letter would suffice.

Within seconds, the courtyard emptied, leaving only a handful of determined individuals who remained steadfast in their decision.

" Could you... die if given the order to ?". Commander Erwin's voice cut through the silence, his penetrating gaze fixed upon the recruits.

" We don't want to die !". A recruit blurted out nervously, voicing the fears that were undoubtedly shared by many.

A faint smile tugged at the corners of the Commander's lips," I see. I like your expressions. Now then, I accept all of you who remain as new Survey Corps soldiers ! This will be a true salute! Offer your lives !".

" Yes, sir !"

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" Yes, sir !". The resounding chorus echoed throughout the plaza, their voices filled with conviction.

In unison, they raised their right hands to their chest, executing a crisp salute. It was an epic sight, a display of unwavering resolve in the face of the overwhelming challenges that awaited us.

Suddenly, a firm hand grasped my shoulder, pulling me back. I turned to see Captain Levi, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern and determination.

" You can't let them see you". He said sternly, pulling my hood over my head.

Confused, I nodded and replied," Right, thank you, sir."

As I readjusted my focus, the Commander's voice resonated once again, drawing my attention back to his final words.

" You've all done well to suppress your fear. Every one of you is a brave soldier. You have my deepest respect". Commander Erwin acknowledged, his words carrying the weight of sincerity.

The Girl Who Lived Beyond the Veil of Titans : Blossoms of DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now